Category Archives: Paris Hilton Is A Moron

>Rumblings Grumblings Rants


More Real Housewives of New York madness. Kelly Killoren Bensimon–the crazy behemoth in a micro-mini one–has lost her latest modeling job. Poor botox-Kelly, boyfriend-beating-Kelly, Bethenny-hater-Kelly, Arthritis-is-cute-Kelly is “no longer modeling for Saks Fifth Avenue. She was the face of the spring catalog but hasn’t booked any further gigs with them.”

Of course, Saks says this has nothing to do with her arrest for smacking down her boy-toy, but I say, Kelly, honey, karma is a bitch….and so are you.

Now, I say this from a secure location, because that bitch scares me!

I never saw X-Men, or X-Men 2….3…..4….however many they’ve made, but, um, I may have to see Wolverine, starring the going-to-be-nekkid-in-the-movie, Hugh Jackman and his Huge Ackman.

Just sayin’.

I am not one of those people that believes cops are the bad guys, and that you can’t trust them, but this whole Ryan Moats story chaps my hide.

Rushing his family to the hospital, 26-year-old NFL running back Ryan Moats rolled through a red light and, after they arrived at the hospital, a Dallas police officer pulled their SUV over outside the emergency room. Moats and his wife explained that her mother was dying inside the hospital. “You really want to go through this right now?” Moats pleaded. “My mother-in-law is dying. Right now!”
Officer Robert Powell, 25, was unmoved. He spent long minutes writing Moats a ticket and threatened him with arrest. “I can screw you over,” the officer said. “I’d rather not do that.”
His mother in law passed away while the officer forced Moats to remain in his car as he checked for outstanding warrants.
Now, I’m all for law and order, but even i know, if I see someone run a red light and a stop sign or two, while heading into a hospital, that maybe there is some kind of emergency. And then this gung-ho police officer refuses to listen to the Moats, to the nurses who came out and asked that Moats be let go, to a security guard who asked the same question, and even to another Dallas police officer who arrived on the scene.

All this hoopla over Michelle Obama touching the Queen irks me, because, if you look at the video, if you read the story, you’ll see that it was the Queen who placed her hand on Michelle’s back first, and then Michelle put her arm around the Queen,

She didn’t put Her Royal Highness in a chokehold people! It was a gesture of kindness.

Build a bridge and get over it.

Star Jones was on Oprah this week talking about being fat and being a liar. Remember when Star started dropping the pounds faster than you could say Burger King Double Whopper? And she said she did it through, ahem, Pilate’s and portion control…and then a few years later she admitted to gastric bypass, and NO Pilate’s or portion control?

Well, on The View the next day the gals were talking about Star, and Barbara was saying she wishes her well, and Elizabeth was saying how good Star looks, and then all eyes turned to Joy, who said:

“I think I’ll bypass making any comments!”

Loved it!

This one may get me killed.

Madonna was denied the right to adopt a little girl from Malawi. And I think it may have been a good decision. Just because someone has buckets of money doesn’t make them a good parent. Just because someone is famous doesn’t make them Mom Of The Year.
“The decision came down to residency requirement and the fact that the judge believes she was being well taken care of in the orphanage,” said Zione Ntaba, a spokeswoman for the Malawi Justice Department. “For the Malawians, the fact that the child is at an orphanage, is being taken care of and is going through the school education system, that does qualify as the best interests of a child.”
I am not a fan of Madonna. I know, bad gay man. Bad, Gay. Man. But I have watched her career and it seems to me that Madonna does nothing without publicity, and I don’t mean because she’s some superstar to some people so she is always in the news, I mean, everything she does is for publicity.

The Sex Book was publicity.
The documentary was publicity.
The English accent was….well, because she’s nuts.
The adoption of the David was for publicity.
And I think her attempts at adoption again are for publicity.
Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan.
That’s all.


Filed under Bob, Hot Man, Hugh Jackman, Joy Behar, Lindsay Lohan, Madonna, Michelle Obama, Oprah Winfrey, Paris Hilton Is A Moron, Rant, Ryan Moats, Star Jones

>Another RantGate


Thanks to Joy over at Babble On for the title!
As you may know, I love to rant about things that annoy me, things I cannot understand, and , well, anything and everything. So here are today’s rants, and notice, there is no Matt Lauer rant simply because he’s been gone all week.
I know, I’ve ranted about the Big O in the past, but seriously, when is she going to stop milking Rihanna for ratings?
She apparently had an entire show devoted to the Rihanna/Chris Brown situation last week, and then did another show about it yesterday.
Oprah, honey, put down the snack cake and listen to me for a sec, okay? Put it down. It’s okay you can have it back when we’re done. Put it dow…….that’s a good girl.
Oprah, this is a serious topic, and it isn’t a topic that went away after Tina left Ike, and then reared it’s ugly head again when Chris Brown bit Rihanna. This topic has been around for eons. Sheesh, even you dragged poor Robin Givens outta bed to talk about her life with Mikey.
So why are you bringing it up now?
For ratings.
Even your lap dog, I’m-No-Doctor Phil, is doing shows on the Rihanna factor.
What I’m tryin’ to say, O, is don’t use Rihanna to score ratings points. It isn’t worse because it was Rihanna or Tina or Robin. It’s bad because it’s bad, and if you want to help, then talk about it more often.
Don’t wait until the next celebrity smackdown.
What’s up with them?
I knew we’d encounter a bit more racism after leaving Miami for Smallville, but up here it makes even less sense than anywhere else I’ve ever lived or been. And that doesn’t mean it makes sense at all, anywhere, ever.
One of the women I work with is African-American, and she is horrendously anti-Mexican. For the record, there has been a huge influx of Latinos here in South Carolina over the last few years, so it is a relatively new segment of the population, although that should make no difference. But this one Black woman, who was a friend of sorts, who had met Carlos, and knew us both, one day, out of the blue, she says, Oh no. Mexicans. I hate Mexicans.
Well, I say, Carlos is Mexican.
He’s one of the good ones.
One of the good ones? I don’t understand how anyone, who has been subjected to racism or sexism or ageism or gay-ism, to any form of hate, can they themselves become haters.
Didn’t they learn anything from their own attackers?
And this isn’t a Black Thing or a White thing….a yellow red or brown thing….it applies to gay folks just as well.
Think about those who hate you before you open your mouth to spew your own hate.
Those folks who are criticizing President Obama because his people are now saying “the fundamentals of the economy are strong.”
And didn’t, they say in that snarky tone, didn’t John McCain utter those words just last fall? And wasn’t he blasted for being a dimwit for saying them?
Yes, he did utter them. But that was before the mess got messier. Before we knew about all the corruption on Wall Street.
And he was blasted for saying them because, as we all know, he was, and is, a man who has stated publicly that he knows nothing about the economy.
And to those same people who are going after President Obama like sharks after blood, just two months into his term.
Where were you during the first six years of the Bush Terrorist Regime? Where were you when the Repugs hid the bodies of our war dead from us as they came home to be buried? Where were you when the Repugs stopped any and all anti-war protesters from getting within eyesight if W? Where were you when he allowed torture to be used….when he said it was okay to spy on Americans…..when he out and out lied to us?
Where were you?
Exactly. So give Obama six years before you open your yaps to complain.
Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan.

UPDATE: This just in from Mistress Maddie and I just had to share:
“I could rant right there with you but I agree with you on all these things and or people. But Paris drives me CRAZY more than anyone. I wish that blonde bimbo ,untalented, rode hard and put away wet, ho ,who looks like a tart as the 3am shift worker at the Jacksonville ,FL Waffle House would just go AWAY!!! How’s that?”

That’s all.


Filed under BabbleOn, Bob, George W Bush, Lindsay Lohan, Mistress Maddie., Oprah Winfrey, Paris Hilton Is A Moron, President Obama, Racism, Rant, Republican

>Things That Make Me Go Hmmmmmmm


Here are a few more things that baffle me:

Oprah Winfrey was duped by James Frey, when it turned out his book A Million Little Pieces was, well, a big fat lie from start to finish. Now, call it a novel if you will, and it makes good reading, but don’t tell me it’s true.

Now comes word that it’s happened to Oprah again, with the Holocaust love story that never was, but the author said it made good reading.

It would.

As. A. Novel.

And Oprah? Honey? If you stepped away from the snack cakes long enough, maybe you could allocate some of your billions so your minions could do a little fact-checking.

Or better yet, don’t tell me what to read.

Jett Travolta’s death puzzles me because of all the unanswered question. Like, if he had Kawasaki Disease, as the Travolta’s have said, then why are doctors saying today, online and on TV, that Kawasaki Disease does not cause seizures?

And if Jett was autistic, as people have speculated, and autism can cause seizures, why did his parents take him off anti-seizure medication?

I hope it doesn’t turn out that he was not treated for autism, or whatever may have caused his seizures, because of the teachings of Scientology.

We’re having dinner with some new friends, Roger and Thomas, tonight. Yesterday, Carlos was on the phone with one-half-of-the-couple, getting directions, and he writes things down like, just past the railroad tracks and turn at the big tree and look for a creek, travel down the dusty road.
Um, howsabout an address? A map? Google it, for cryin‘ out loud! I sense a sequel to Deliverance coming on.

Banjos ready?

PS Um, well, after he wrote the directions down, he, um, did, in fact, Google map the address and print it up, so……..yeah……….Never mind.

Paris Hilton.
Lindsay Lohan.

That’s all.


Filed under Bob, Carlos, James Frey, Jett Travolta, John Tarvolta, Lindsay Lohan, Oprah Winfrey, Paris Hilton Is A Moron, Roger and Thomas, Scientology, Smallville