Monthly Archives: July 2010

>I Ain’t One To Gossip, But….

>Y’all know I’m Team Streep, right?
Well, I am, and this bit of news sounds wonderful.
Apparently Tina Fey has written a new script called Mommy and Me, and Meryl will be playing Tina’s mother.
And Stanley Tucci will direct.
I’m in.
Are you?
Well? Are you?

Oh dear, Mama Grizzly Bore must be fit to be tied.
Seriously, someone tie her up.
The National Enquirer–I know but they broke that John Edwards story–is reporting that Bristol Palin’s baby daddy, Levi Johnston might just be a baby daddy again.
But before you get your abstinence lovin’ panties in a twist, the baby momma isn’t Bristol.
Nope, Levi tagged his johnston into another girl while he and Grizzly Bore’s daughter were, ahem, on a break, and the new baby momma is Levi’s former girlfriend, Lanesia Garcia.
What a musical sounding name for such a stupid, stupid girl.
Still, sources–and by sources I mean the Grizzly Bore’s Flying Monkeys–say that the baby daddy could be one of Lanesia’s ex-boyfriends.Sheesh.
What a web of teen screwing and bodily fluid exchanges.
But, Bristol, and The Bore no doubt, are livid about the news. Another source, and this one is the dry cleaner who takes in Lanesia’s delicates, I think, says:
“[Bristol] just found out about Lanesia’s pregnancy and is freaking out. [Levi] told her that getting back with Lanesia wasn’t serious–it was brief, just a fling and ended months ago. But Bristol is questioning the engagement. She’s really jealous. Lanesia’s planning to do a paternity test after the baby is born. She’s extremely embarrassed she doesn’t know who the father is.” Yeah.
That is embarrassing.

From the American Idol Newsroom:
Courtney Love
is in talks to replace Simon Cowell on American Idol.
So, however, is my mailman, the lady at the deli counter at Kroger, and the drunk guy who lives under the bridge down by the WalMart.
Still, Jessica “Dimbulb” Simpson, Howard “Dear God No” Stern, Bret “I Need More Media Coverage” Michaels, Chris “Snooze” Isaak, Elton “I’d Only Do It If The Money Was REALLY Good And No Illegal Immigrants Could Watch It” John, and Justin “So Gay” Timberlake.
Out of all of them, Courtney, however would be the best because you’d never know if you were gonna get crazy Courtney or sane Courtney.

And this just in from the Idol Hotline:
Ellen is gone.
Ellen DeGeneres is leaving because she didn’t like judging and being harsh. And probably because that awful Nigel Lythgoe is coming on board. I don’t blame her a bit; Idol is like the Titanic: it’s going down and there isn’t any great jewelry to be found.
And, as if that’s not bad enough, Kara DioGuardi has reportedly been fired so she’ll go back to being a nobody.
That leaves us the dawg, Randy Jackson.
So? Randy, Courtney and Elton?
Randy, Simpson and Isaak?
Nope. The money seems to be on Randy, Jennifer Lopez, and Steven Tyler.
I’m done. I can take Randy, but JNo? No. Not someone with an ego as big as her ass. Plus you just know she’d wanna sing a couple of times during the season, hell, each episode, and then beg to have her husband, Skeletor, sing, too.
And Steven Tyler? Before, during or after rehab?
This has trainwreck written all over it and not the good kind of trainwreck, you know, where no one dies and there’s free cheese on the ground.

I like Leonardo DiCaprio.He’s talented, compassionate, cute, and smart. He drives a Prius. But it’s the smart part I’m lovin’ right about now.
See, Leo was supposed to be in the next Mel Gibson disaster, er, movie, and he decided that it was better to go all Nancy Reagan and Just Say No.
Leo was set to star in MELtdown’s next ::::yawn:::: epic, a viking picture, but decided he doesn’t need the kind of exposure one gets from being around Gibson.
You know, death threats and such.
Smart move, Leo.
But I pray Mel doesn’t have your cell phone number because I’d hate to see the messages he’d be leaving you.

Oh Dear God.
Is this how you get an acting career these days? Especially when your father is Laurence Fishburne?
It seems that Fishburne’s nineteen-year-old daughter wants to be a star, but doesn’t want to have to, you know, take classes and audition and stuff to get there. She wants stardom and she wants it now, so she’s come up with the perfect solution.
Montana Fishburne is ALLEGEDLY releasing a sex tape through Vivid Entertainment and proudly says:
“I’ve watched how successful Kim Kardashian became and I think a lot of it was due to the release of her sex tape.”
Yeah, Montana, that’s the ticket.
Why don’t you just whore yourself out to Mel Gibson? I hear he’s looking for someone to start in a new viking movie.

Oh Duchess.
Your money problems know no end.
Sarah Ferguson, Duchess of York, is ALLEGEDLY in debt to her personal trainer to the tune of £65,000, but that’s nothing new to her. The original Fergie spends money faster than she doesn’t earn it.
Seems she used to order her staff–and why does she still have staff?–to fix elaborate feasts for her and her two Princesses, and wash them down with champagne and vodka.
Champagne, Fergie? You’re on a beer budget, or you should be.
But she does have a knight in shining armor; her ex-husband Prince Andrew.
Andy is said to be highly embarrassed over Fergie’s addiction to spending money she does not have, but he is ALLEGEDLY willing to pay off her debts… the butcher, the dry cleaner, the newspaper agent and the car rental facility.
But he won’t be touching her American debts….to McDonald’s and Pizza Hut and JC Penneys.
A source, and by source I mean one of those guys in the furry hats who guard the castle–says:
“The Duke is not touching her debts in America but his people are going to sit down and itemise every debt here and pay them off one by one. The total comes to around £1.5million.”
Lucky gal, she really did marry–and divorce–a Prince.

Lindsay News!!!
She apparently thinks jail is like rehab.
It’s just the Four Seasons with bars…though not the kinds of bars that one stumbles out of at 4 AM, but the kinds of bars they put on windows.
Lindsay is ALLEGEDLY quite the slammer diva and has all sorts of demands while incarcerated for being a drug addict, car thief, alcoholic, kidnapper. and probation violator.
A released inmate–who was paid in vodka and prescription drugs–says:
“The other day Lindsay was freaking out because she wanted another blanket. She kept yelling out, ‘Hello! I asked for a blanket like two hours ago! I’m getting sick!’ It went on for hours.”
And another visitor to the jail says:
“My sister told me that Lindsay was complaining about not having any bottled water to drink, and saying that unpurified water makes her sick. But this isn’t some fancy hotel. If inmates want water, they drink good old Los Angeles tap water. Then she was demanding someone bring her a fan. She said she was going to pass out. Of course she didn’t get it — or the water.”
Poor Lindsay.
Jail isn’t rehab. It’s JAIL.

This is funny.
Cameron Diaz was recently asked, at the London premiere of her disastrously awful movie with Tom Cruise, Knight and Day, if she wanted to perform onstage in London’s West End and she apparently became apoplectic.
She said she’d never do stage because she has stage fright and because, she says:
“I am a film actress. I do movies. I have never done theatre before.”
Plus, there is that whole thing about being able to act, and not have to rely on take after take after take to get the scene right. And that whole, they don’t pay in cocaine for theater work.
Just sayin’.


Filed under American Idol, Bristol Palin, Cameron Diaz, Ellen Degeneres, Laurence Fishburne, Leonardo DiCaprio, Levi Johnston, Lindsay Lohan, Meryl Streep, Sarah Ferguson

>Uh, Yeah, Hawaii? It’s On!


Yesterday, three weeks after asshat Governor Linda Lingle vetoed a same-sex civil unions measure, six gay couples in Hawaii filed a lawsuit asking for the same rights as married couples.

The lawsuit doesn’t seek the titles of “marriage” or “civil unions” for gay partners, but merely requests that the court system extend them the benefits and responsibilities of marriage based on the Hawaii Constitution’s prohibition against sex discrimination.
Plaintiff Suzanne King, who has been in a relationship with her partner for 29 years, said: “We continue to be discriminated against. We’re a family unit, and we live our lives just like everyone else, but we aren’t treated the same.”

So simple, and yet Hawaii, and Linda Lingle doesn’t get it. E-Q-U-A-L-I-T-Y.

Still, on the other side of equality, is Garret Hashimoto, chairman for the Hawaii Christian Coalition, who is, well, just plain outraged; “I feel insulted. They keep bringing up Martin Luther King, black rights and women’s sufferage. This is not about that. This is about two males or two females practicing sex. It’s behavior. It’s no different from smokers or drinkers.”

Homosexuality is no different than smoking and drinking? Someone needs an education.

Jennifer Pizer, senior counsel for Lambda Legal, which is bringing the case along with the American Civil Liberties Union, said: “This case is not about marriage. It’s about the right of same-sex couples to at least have a system that is understandable and complete. The state’s equality guarantee at least has to mean same-sex couples should have the same rights and responsibilities, even if it’s segmented off into a system that isn’t as respected, understood and revered as marriage.”

Say it with me, Hawaii, E-Q-U-A-L-I-T-Y.

1 Comment

Filed under Hawaii, Lambda Legal, LGBT, LGBT Rights

>PR8EP1: Sew What?


It’s back, and, fingers crossed, better than ever.
Of course, we have Heidi and Tim….I love Tim….and Michael Kors, but really, for me, it’s all about Nina. I want a Nina and Tim Show, and I want it now. Failing that, I just wanna have lunch with Nina and Tim.
But not now because we have Runway to discuss. With it’s usual array of bitches and queens, smalltown boys and big city divas. Let’s talk trash.
Casanova. Really? You want to call yourself Casanova? I think a rethink is in order, but, still, the language barrier will be fun, given that Casanova announces that he will “eat New Jork….[and]….take New Jork from the balls.”

Even Carlos laughed at that one, but then Sarah showed up on screen with her platinum hair and Carlos said, “Who is she? The Devil Does Prada?”
Yeah, we laugh at the language barrier around here.
We meet AJ, the country mouse, from somewhere in one of the square states where he creates punk wear…in a square state. And Peach Cobbler, er, Carr, the old lady of the group, although she has the fabulous sense of humor….I keep thinking I’ll meet a nine-year-old who will be my roommate. Kristen who admits she makes mistakes, but then she makes them work; we’ll see how far a crooked zipper goes with Nina. Uh huh.
Jason, he of the Clockwork Orange bowler, who is the obligatory straight guy and will be reminding us that he is a straight guy. Gretchen is the easygoing gal from the Northwest who talks to Jason for about a nanosecond before moving on. Smart girl.

Mondo. Odd Mondo. Mondo of the I-Think-I’ll-Change-My-Hair-Style-Every-Five-Seconds-So-I-Can-Fly-Under-The-Radar Mondo. Good luck with that. And Ivy, who wants it to be The Ivy Show which will be about bitches who think because they got on a reality show they are truly something special. Ivy? You’re not. You are simply This Year’s Bitch.
April, the newbie, fresh from design school and ready to do Goth Tea Party dresses. I sense one-note design….one…..flat…..note. And then, of course, we have Cute Nice Gay Guy, Chris. Even Carlos’, um, er, ears, pricked up when he saw Cutie Chris. And, if we have Cute Nice Gay Guy, we must have Funny Gay Guy, Michael C, from Palm Springs, where he says he does “hot” couture. Get it? Hot? Palm Springs? Desert? Yeah, maybe he isn’t so funny.
Michael D is the designer who doesn’t really sew because he’s a knitter. So, to that end, Project Runway producers have provided him with a rocking chair, a housecoat, and a wicker basket full of yarn. Valerie gets the invisible edit during the open, but she does get the First Cry Of The Season edit, so she has earned a place in PR history.
McKell is the cute girl with dreads from Utah. I know, but somehow it does work. Andy will be this years Asian, or Gaysian, who does the Asian-inspired design. He also features the standard Christian-Siriano-hair, though he refrains from the fabulous and the fierce……for now.
The designtestants are told that, while they have been flown to New Jork, er, York, and shuttled around the city and filmed and studied, they are not actually on the show just yet. Episode One will be The Final Audition, and One….or more….cue the ominous music….designers will be Auf’d before the show is even On. They are told to retrieve one piece of their own clothing from their bag, and that the piece of clothing must be Incorporated into their design.
Monkey Wrench
They must first pass the article of clothing they took from their bag to the designer to their right. Casanova weeps, because he pulled a pair of Dolce & Gabbana pants out of his bag that he bought for one-thousand-seventy.
Seriously. That whole language thing may prove troublesome.
The designtestants are then given five hours to design, create, fit, style, and parade their outfits before the judges.
Let the games begin.

Christopher used Sarah’s dress and turned it into a cuter, well, dress. Not so innovative,and Chris wasn’t given much airtime, but I think he’s cute, and more importantly Heidi thinks he’s cute.
He’ll stick around, but he’s gotta get bigger, bitchier, and better.

Kristin used Mondo’s kilt–and he was gonna wear it on Day Two!–and made a collar out of it for her dress. Kristen bets on making mistakes, but I’m not seeing a lot of mistakes here. I did, however, see a lot of Kristen eye-rolls as other designers work came down the runway, so maybe Little Miss Crooked Zipper is also an In-Ivy’s-League diva bitch.
And two bitches are always better than one.
Michael C, of the Palm Springs Hot Couture, turned Kristin’s skirt into a really chic top, with a bare back. It said hot sultry nights, but it didn’t say it loud enough, because the judges placed him mid-pack.
Get hotter, Mike.
Michael D, who knits, and we will be reminded of this weekly, I think, actually created a really Bohemian-Ethnocentric dress out of one of Bohemian-Ethnocentric McKell’s dresses. Still, it was a POV and a slightly different one than he was given.
I will be waiting for my Brother Sewing Machine Breakdown moment with Michael.
Mondo, who tells us he’s strange, because we would have never figured it out by the fact that he changed clothes and hair styles constantly throughout the episode–I swear, there were more costume changes than a Cher show–piece-mealed a pretty [read:boring] dress from Valerie’s sweater. Perhaps this is why Valerie cried?
Peach Cobbler, the old lady of the group, although she is no Laura Bennett, took one of Michael D’s knitwear tube-skirts….Yes. I said tube skirt…..and used pieces of it as trim on another dress she made completely from a new fabric. I hoped she’d have been called out for using so little of the fabric but she got a passing grade.
C is passing, you know. But C ain’t gonna get you to the tents.
Sarah took Michael C’s shirt and turned it into this hideously designed, far too short, one-piece-jumper-esque thing. Like the other designers she was allowed the use of the Mood Annex for extra fabric, but I think she was off coloring her hair and missed her chance.
This outfit missed the mark, but it landed her square in the middle with no place to go but down.
Valerie, the crier, turned Casanova’s $1070 D&G pants into a dress she could sell on a street corner in the Village for a $1.70, and still be asked to lower the price. Raggedy tattered hem and quilted looking pieces scream Send Me Home, but the judges weren’t listening.
This time.
AJ turned Jason’s, the straight guy, sweater into this fabulous frock. It was fun and flirty and far different from the hodgepodge of blah that came before and after it on the runway. AJ is a little too giddy schoolgirl right now, as evidenced by his hurling himself onto the couch when he was told he was safe, but I like his style.
Girl just needs to tone down the histrionics. I mean, it’s not like you’ve been voted head cheerleader.
Andy’s look–from Gretchen’s skirt–was F-A-B-ulous. From the cape to the shirt to the pants to the boots to the hat to the fact that his model wooooooooooorked it. I thought his was, by far, the best design of the night. Unfortunately, for Andy, I don’t get to cast the Smallville vote.
Still, watch out for this diva. She’s amazing.
Gretchen won the first challenge, by a rare PR unanimous vote. She turned some mother-effin‘ looking disco blouse into a very chic dress, and scored points for her spot-on styling.
On the down side, Gretchen seems nice, and that doesn’t always bode well on the PR. She’ll need to toughen up. I suggest a punch at Ivy.
I mean, cuz, that’s what I’d do.

Jason, the straight guy, lest you forget, was given Andy’s kimono to rip apart and rebuild and restructure and redesign. So, what did he do? Put it on the model backwards and cinched the waist with pins and staples. he blamed it on time constraints, but take a gander back at what Andy and AJ made in the same time period.
I know! And on a personal note: I was doing the kimono backwards years ago when I took one of my mother’s robes and cinched it at the waist and pretended to be Diana Ross in concert. Just sayin‘.
Nina–GOD I LOVE NINA–said, Did you think you could just put it on backwards and we wouldn’t notice?
We did.
But, for some reason, the judges believe Jason has something, like, oh, I don’t know, heterosexuality? We’ll see. But I just hope someone always has a staple gun handy because I think Jason’s gonna need it.
Nicholas used Chris’s polyester……gasp!…..jacket and topped off his evening gown with the trim from the jacket, saying he wanted to combine sportswear with evening wear. Heidi dubbed it boring, and Nina, a bit nicer, liked it but thought it too quiet.
Nicholas was a quivering mass of homo jelly on that stage. Shaking and trembling and sweating. Even though Valerie got the First Cry Edit, Nicholas will be our Go-To-Boy for waterworks.
April deconstructed Nicholas’ blazer, and by that I mean, she cut off the sleeves and turned it inside out. She and Jason apparently graduated form the same design school, although she did pass the sewing test while he got stuck in Pins and Staples.
Kors and Heidi like deconstructed, but wonder if deconstructed is just another word for unfinished.
Casanova. Dear Jesus. What to say? He took Ivy The Bitch’s blouse and turned it into a skirt…and then slapped on two strap for a top, but left the back of the dress in the sewing room. Kors called it “mother of the bride belly dancer” and “pole dancer in Dubai.”
Nina, more simply, called it “facsinatingly awful.”
Heidi asked Casanova why he should stay and he went all Ricky Ricardo on her. Luckily, Nina was there to translate for him, and he said he should stay, but think “more out of the box, but conservatively.”
I think PR producers should think more in the box, and put Casanova in one and send him back to that other PR….Puerto Rico….until he learns a little something about design.
And where to shop for pants that don’t cost a thousand bucks.
Ivy The Bitch, who, we’re told, by her, is a fast sewer and the Energizer Bunny, and should have her own show, took Peach Cobbler’s pants and made them into, er, pants?
To be fair, she made them into capri pants, but isn’t that the same thing as taking a shirt and turning it into a shortsleeved shirt? And then, mother of god, of all the nerve, she has the balls of steel to, not only interrupt Nina, but to disagree with Nina.
But my Nina wouldn’t be swayed. She set her sites on Ivy and said, “Never mind that you turned the pant into a cahpri, the blouse is mumsy and the styling is a disaster.”
Note to Ivy: there’s one bitch on PR and her name is Nina Garcia.
And she is my god now. So suck it Jesus!
Which brings us to McKell, who took AJ’s shirt and cut off the sleeves and the sides and the back, and added some fabric and made a flouncy…..too flouncy……pretty dress. Heidi called it, and pardon my German, butt ugly. Kors liked the play of fabric, but the side cleavage scared him. I think he was picturing himself in that dress and thought his side cleavage might look like a couple of loaves of bread under his arms.
Nina hated the styling. From the hair to the flowery pink bag, it was just awful

So, who went home?
The pole dancer?
The pants into pants designer?
The guy from Staples?
No, it was McKell. And, I’ll admit, I was shocked. The styling was bad, but the dress, well, except for that whole cleavage thing, was well-made, and nice. But I guess nice doesn’t work, and Staples and capri pants and deconstruction and Whore of Babylon do.

We’ll see………………


Filed under Bob, Lifetime, Project Runway, Reality TV, TV

>I Didn’t Say It….

>Liev Schreiber, on being called “the best actor of his generation, by The New York Times:

“Well, how can you argue with The New York Times? Look, I have a different perspective, but I’m glad they have theirs. Really glad. But if you’re going to accept that, you also have to be prepared to accept when someone calls you ‘the somnambulistic Mr. Schreiber with a head the size of a watermelon,’ which someone actually wrote once. I had to look up somnambulistic. It means someone who puts you to sleep. So if you’re going to be okay with being the best stage actor of your generation, you also have to be okay with being the boring guy with the watermelon head.”


Anne Rice, auther of Interview With The Vampire, among others, on quitting Christianity because she supports the LGBT community:
“For those who care, and I understand if you don’t: Today I quit being a Christian. I’m out. I remain committed to Christ as always but not to being ‘Christian’ or to being part of Christianity. It’s simply impossible for me to ‘belong’ to this quarrelsome, hostile, disputatious, and deservedly infamous group. For ten …years, I’ve tried. I’ve failed. I’m an outsider. My conscience will allow nothing else.
In the name of Christ, I refuse to be anti-gay. I refuse to be anti-feminist. I refuse to be anti-artificial birth control. I refuse to be anti-Democrat. I refuse to be anti-secular humanism. I refuse to be anti-science. I refuse to be anti-life. In the name of …Christ, I quit Christianity and being Christian. Amen.”

It is quite funny how many people, mostly so-called Christians, who equate being Christian with being Christ-like, when they are not at all alike.

Elton John, speaking from the stage at a concert in Tucson, on a boycott of Arizona:
“We are all very pleased to be playing in Arizona. I have read that some of the artists won’t come here. They are fuckwits! Let’s face it: I still play in California, and as a gay man I have no legal rights whatsoever. So what’s the fuck up with these people?”

Um, Elton, you do-anything-for-a-paycheck musical whore?
What the fuck is wrong with people is that they want to stand up against discrimination and racial profiling. Not everyone is out to make the most money, and will do so by selling their soul to the highest bidder.
That, Sir, would be you, and that makes you the “fuckwit”.

Cyndi Lauper, on the Bush/Cheney regime:
“The past – this year’s getting a little better, but the past eight years, it was so dark. [I]t was like a fire sale, just before Obama came in … And then this guy goes in and it’s ‘his fault.’ But it’s not his fault – it’s the other two. The criminals that never got charged. I can’t say enough how upsetting that was. I can’t. And the way he would go on television – that George Bush, and speak hate. I mean, just unabashed hatred.”

Cyndi, you are more than just an icon for the LGBT community, you are an icon for everyone.
Let’s stop blaming the new guy and remember who left this mess for Obama to clean up.

Amy Fisher, on her decision to become a porn star:

“Our society loves sex. It feels so good and we should enjoy it. Sex is beautiful, powerful, and simply put, no one has the right to tell me what I can or can not do with my own private parts. This time, I get to make the choices on what kind of movies I want to make, and I am excited to work with Dreamzone to make my dreams a reality.”

Of course, it doesn’t have anything to do with her insatiable need to be in the spotlight.
Just think kiddies, shoot the woman who’s married to your lover in the head and go to prison and then get out and write a book and become a porn star.
Fame is fun.

Tom Hardy, Inception co-star, admitting he has dabbled in sexual relations with guys:
“Of course I have. I’m an actor for f*ck’s sake. I’ve played with everything and everyone. I love the form and the physicality, but now that I’m in my thirties, it doesn’t do it for me. I’m done experimenting but there’s plenty of stuff in a relationship with another man, especially gay men, that I need in my life. A lot of gay men get my thing for shoes. I have definite feminine qualities and a lot of gay men are incredibly masculine. A lot of people say I seem masculine, but I don’t feel it. I feel intrinsically feminine. I’d love to be one of the boys but I always felt a bit on the outside. Maybe my masculine qualities come from overcompensating because I’m not one of the boys.”


Me like.
President Obama, on why he didn’t get an invitation to Chelsea Clinton’s upcoming wedding:
“I was not invited to the wedding because I think Hillary and Bill, properly, want to keep this thing for Chelsea and her soon-to-be husband. You don’t want two presidents at one wedding! All the secret service, guests going through [metal detectors], all the gifts being torn apart.”

That’s the same reason I wasn’t invited.
As President [okay…..and sole member] of the Smallville Gay Men’s Garden Club, perhaps the Clinton’s didn’t want to bother with the extra security.
Mostly, though, I think it’s because, like Dominique Devereaux Carrington once said on Dynasty, “I don’t share a room with my clothes.”
Joan Rivers, on happiness:
“Look, nobody is 100% happy. I’m 93% happy which means that I am very lucky. I think anyone who gets to even 60% should be glad. You know what a good day is for me? I get a call from Melissa and she’s doing fine. I get a call from my grandson and he’s happy. I get a call from my accountant and he tells me I’m OK. That’s a good day.”

I’d say 93-percent is good.
A lotta folks stuck below the 60% mark.


Filed under Anne Rice, Cyndi Lauper, Elton John, Joan Rivers, President Obama, Quotes, Tom Hardy. Amy Fisher

>Target Responds

>So, Target has been in the news lately and on this blog a couple of times [HERE and HERE] for their $150,000 donation to Political Action Committee [PAC] called Minnesota Forward.

Minnesota Forward took some of that money and gave it to Republican gubernatorial candidate, Tom Emmer, who is virulently anti-gay.

Bad enough, right?

But then comes news that Emmer donated some of his money to a “Christian” rock band, fronted by one Bradlee Dean, who believes that killing gay people is the moral thing to do.

So, if you follow the money, it goes from Target to Dean, and stops in anti-gay candidate’s coffers along the way, but Target CEO Gregg Steinhafel announced that Target’s support of the LGBT community is “unwavering”.

Really, Target? Really?

So, naturally I got a little angry and wrote a letter to Target corporate headquarters and, lo and behold, yesterday I received a response:

Dear Robert *******,

Target has long believed that engaging in civic activities is an important and necessary element of operating a national retail business. What’s more important than any one candidate’s stance on a particular issue is how we nurture thoughtful, long-term growth in the state of Minnesota.

To continue to grow and create jobs and opportunity in our home state, we believe it is imperative to be engaged in public policy and the political process. That is why we are members of organizations like the Minnesota Business Partnership, the Chamber of Commerce and many others. And that is why we decided to contribute to MN Forward.

MN Forward’s objective is to elect candidates from both parties who will make job creation and economic growth a top priority. We operate best when working collaboratively with legislators on both sides of the aisle. In fact, if you look at our Federal PAC contributions year to date, you will see that they are very balanced between Republicans and Democrats. For more information please visit, and view the Civic Activity page.

Target has a large stake in Minnesota’s future, which is why it is so important to be able to provide jobs, serve guests, support communities and deliver on our commitment to shareholders. As an international business that is proud to call Minnesota home, it is critical that we have a business environment that allows us to be competitive. Our guests, team members, communities and shareholders depend on Target to remain competitive.

Thanks for taking the time to share your feedback.


Jennifer Hanson

Target Executive


Interesting, no? Espeicially since Ms. Hanson, like Target CEO Gregg Steinhafel, never actually addreses the issue at hand: Target’s money going directly into the hands of anti-gay politicians. So, I decided to write back

Dear Ms. Hanson,

I understand that target is free to donate money to any organization, or political candidate, or party, of its choosing. My problem, however, is that, as a gay man, when I see you giving money to a PAC that then funds an openly anti-gay politician, who then uses his money, and his praise, on a group that wants to “Kill The Gays” it leads me to question Target’s alleged unwavering support for the LGBT community.

You say you want to do what is best for Target and your employees and your stores, but what about doing just what’s best? What’s right? What’s equal? What’s fair? You believe that “more important than any one candidate’s stance on a particular issue is how we nurture thoughtful, long-term growth in the state of Minnesota,” but I wonder how thoughtful Tom Emmer’s stance on gay rights is, and how nurturing is his belief in a “Christian” rock band who wants to “Kill The Gays.”

The answer is, it is neither thoughtful, nor nurturing. It’s hatred and bigotry and intolerance plain and simple, and Target helped to fund it.

And, that, as you say is your right.

Well, it’s my right to say I won’t fund Target if Target wants to fund these types of candidates, of either party. It’s my right to tell my LGBT friends and family to stay out of Target, and to write to Target and tell you why we’re staying out of your stores.

You imply that it’s just good business, doing what’s best for the company, but you efforts at maintaining a good business could cost members of the LGBT community their lives.


Robert *******

I would ask that every member of the LGBT community write to Jennifer Hanson, and let her know that, while we believe in being able to sponsor, and support, any group, candidate, or party, on their choosing, they cannot support people like Tom Emmer, and then still profess to be gay friendly.

Because they aren’t.


Filed under Anti-LGBT, Bradlee Dean, Gregg Steinhafel, Jennifer Hanson, Minnesota, Target, Tom Emmer

>Just For Giggles




Filed under Funny, Just For Giggles, YouTube

>Jan Brewer Gets Bitchslapped……..AGAIN!


Take that, Jan Brewer.

In Phoenix, US District Court Judge Susan Bolton has issued a temporary injunction against parts of the law that would require Arizona police officers to determine the status of people they lawfully stopped and suspected were in the country illegally.

Better still, Bolton also forbade Arizona, and Wicked Witch Of the South West Brewer, from making it a state crime to not carry immigration documents, and struck down two other provisions as an unconstitutional attempt by Arizona to undermine the federal government’s efforts to enforce immigration policy.

Judge Bolton:

“The court by no means disregards Arizona’s interests in controlling illegal immigration and addressing the concurrent problems with crime….[but]….it is not in the public interest for Arizona to enforce preempted laws.”

Also, not in the public interest is the fact that this racist law could have been enforced against legal immigrants in this country if a police officer simply suspected them of being here illegally, based on non-issues like clothing and shoes, and accents.

Fucktard Jan Brewer has vowed a swift appeal to the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals and is said to be flying over Arizona on her broomstick, writing, Surrender Immigrants, in the skies. She called the injunction a bump in the road, and by bump, I’m assuming she means the bodies of alleged illegals who will be deported if the asshats have their way.

And, for now, they don’t.


Filed under Arizona, Asshat, Fascist State, Illegal Immigration, Immigration, Jan Brewer, Racism

>Top Chef: Power Bottoms And Power Lunches


This will be quick.
The cheftestants enter the Top Chef Kitchen to find Padma waiting with Aaron “I’m-So-Not-Gay-That-I-Threw-Out-My-Favorite-Turquoise-Belt” Schock, the youngest, and gayest, member of Congress, to talk about eating food on a stick.

Something I think Aaron is quite thrilled about.

Pocket-Gay lets Padma explain that, in order to not unduly influence our elected representatives ::::::insert snicker here::::: by serving them lavish meals, our elected officials must eat Aaron Schock-sized, er, bite-sized, meals on a toothpick. No mention is made of offering up cash and drugs and hookers to our elected officials, but I guess they’re saving that challenge for Top Money-Grubbing-Drug-Addicted-Whore.

Anyway, I won’t bore you, or me , with what the chef’; made, I will simply let Aaron “I’m-Not-Gay” Schock tell you which items that he put into his mouth he enjoyed most:

He said Alex, of the Wonky Muppet Lips and Questionable Ethics [more on that later] had too much flavor, but that he did like the look of Ed’s, um, stick, but not so much what was on it; he found that Kelly’s stick lacked flavor–perhaps because she’s a woman and the, um, stick, is not standard equipment, but I digress.

His favorites, and his praise:

Of Kevin, he said: “You were the first item I tasted and I thought about it all the way around the room.”
Of Angelo, he purred: “Wow! [It] was like fireworks in my mouth.”
Of Stephen, he minced: “All I could think of when I saw yours was, wow, there’s a lot on that stick.”

Then he squealed like a schoolgirl and announced Angelo’s sexy stick as his favorite. But, and I will remind, Aaron Schock is NOT gay.

He’s not! Stop it!

The cheftestants must prepare a power lunch to be served to power, um, lunchers, at Washington DC’s power lunch spot, the elite Palm restaurant. There they will be judged by Oprah Winfrey’s former personal feeder, Art Smith, as well as serving lunch to power players Senator Mark Warner of Virginia, MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough and Mika Brezinski and NBC White House Correspondent Savannah Guthrie.

The cheftestants draw knives to see which of the Palm’s standard proteins they will be serving, and although there will be two of each dish, the judging is not side-by-side, but head on. It is a straight–no pun intended, Aaron–forward challenge, until it digresses into a special episode of Top Chef Mystery: The Case Of The Pureed Peas.

See, Ed bought peas to serve with his protein, and the day of the lunch the peas disappear. But Alex, who had no idea the night before exactly what he was going to do, suddenly had pureed peas.


The Porterhouse Gals
Amanda decided to debone her porterhouse, just like I imagine she debones her men, and served a New York Strip & Filet Mignon, Red Wine with Pomme Parisienne & Arugula.
She called it a “Duo Of Steak” because she knows that all great chefs often serve duos.
But the key word is “great” chef, and Amanda misses the mark.
She is sloppy and messy and scaterrbrained in the kitchen and I think she’s the one Tom mentioned when he said some of the chefs were pigs.
But the Power Lunchers liked her Duo, so go figure.

Kelly served a Porterhouse with Crispy Potato-Arugula Salad, Roasted Shallot Demi-Glace.
She chose to serve it whole, to honor it–like it cares–meaning she expected the diners to wolf done some twenty ounces of meat–and, No, Aaron was not at the lunch so don’t wonder if he could have done it.
He could. He has.
But Kelly, whose food has often been called bland, because she likes the delicate flavors, went wild with the salt, especially as other chefs [read: Amanda] asked to borrow it. Every time someone uttered the word salt, Kelly salted her steak; and her steak then asSALTed the judges palates.
There wasn’t much but salt and salt and salt.

The Swordfish Twins
Andrea doesn’t like swordfish.
She doesn’t cook swordfish.
She doesn’t serve swordfish.
So, she threw herself under the bus by serving the Swordfish with Israeli CousCous Risotto-style, and a–pardon me if I throw up a little in my mouth as I type this–Vanilla-Bean-Mustard-Buerre-Blanc. Which means vanilla, mustard, butter and white wine.
Her food was too much. Too sweet, too rich, too……….

My girl Tiffany, who is rapidly becoming my favorite because she tells it like it is, and then laughs about it, made more of a Mediterranean-inspired Swordfish with Olive-Raisin Tapenade with Broccolini & Bacon.
And while her fish may have been overcooked–and for that I blame either Amanda or Aaron Schock, because it’s my blog and I can say what I want–her tapenade topping provided enough moisture to satisfy food-slut Gail Simmons.
Which is saying a lot.
But Tiffany cannot get over the overcooked fish and she places herself in the bottom.

The Salmon Wars
Alex served Applewood Smoked Salmon with Black Forbidden Rice & English Pea Puree, but not before he told all of us that there were too many thing you could do with salmon: broil it, saute it, poach it, grill it.
Make it into a hat or a broach.
Or, and I’m just saying, maybe you could serve it with someone else’s pureed peas.
Which may not be far off the mark since the judges liked his dish–little ‘l’–but they Loved–big ‘L’–his peas. Oprah’s former main gay, and I don’t mean Gail, Art Smith, nearly had an orgasm when he slid Alex’s, or Ed’s, peas into his mouth.
Just sayin’.

Stephen’s Salmon with Warmed Vegetable Salad & Worcestershire Vinaigrette, by comparison, was called messy and sloppy.
Stephen, by comparison, though, used his own food that he made himself and didn’t pull it from the Miracle Pantry, AKA Ed’s ice chest.
Steepen was given the nearly invisible edit this week, except for the drooling he did over Aaron Schock–“We walked into the kitchen and I saw this very young man _________”
You fill in the blank.
And he provided comic relief for his Seminar on being in the Bottom Three.
That’s Stephen.
He’s there, but he’s not.

The Lobster Lovers
Ed did what he called a Poached Lobster Ballotine with Eggplant & English Pea-Asparagus Fricassee.
English peas, leftover from the missing pea puree.
I hear Miss Marple is on the case.
Everyone loved his lobster, and loved the roasted eggplant, but felt the dish didn’t need the addition of the English Peas.
No, what it needed was his delicious English Pea Puree that went out with Alex’s salmon.

Angelo also served butter Poached Lobster, but he paired his with a Lobster Froth and a Jicama, Arugula & Asian Pear Salad.
What’s this? More Asian food from Angelo?
Quelle surprise. Not.
The judges thought his lobster chewy and Morning Joe didn’t know what to make of the Lobster Froth.
I bet Aaron Shock knows what to do with a froth. You pair it with a turquoise belt and wear it to a picnic and then…..what? Oh! Froth?!? I thought you said ‘frock’.
Aaron Schock is still gay.

The Lamb Lads
Kenny, who has been getting called out for throwing everything, including the kitchen sink–which he literally slewered and served at the Toothpick Quickfire–into a dish, opted to go minimal ::::giggle::::: and offered the diners a Peppered Lamb with Fig-Pistachio Bread Pudding, Fig Jam & Vanilla-Morel Demi Glace.
Simple, right.
If i was gonna simple it down, I would have made Lamb sandwich on Wonderbread with Miracle Whip.
That’s simple food from a simpleton, er, wimple man.
But the judges like his fig jam, and his figgy pudding.

Kevin, AKA Dust Bunny Grande Dame, DavidDust’s husband, gave us Double-Cut Chops with Olive & Goat Cheese Rissole, Mache & Tomato Concasse.
Everyone thought his lamb was overcooked, and that his concasse was too hot. I don’t know how many times I’ve made a hot concasse, so I can feel Kevin’s pain.
But, and this is what I don’t get about the judging, Gail called it fiery, and said she liked her food, and apparently her men, hot and spicy, but at the judges table she called Kevin out on the heat.
Make up your mind Gail.

Back in The Stew Room
The conversation turns, as it’s apt to do, toward the Case of The Missing Pea Puree.
Miss Marple has arrived and spent most of the evening questioning the cheftestants.
No one will admit to seeing Ed’s puree stolen, and no one will admit to seeing Alex actually make a pea puree.
But, upon interrogation, Alex crumbles a bit when he says the idea of him having a pea puree and Ed’s pea puree going missing was puree, er, purely, coincidental.
Miss Marple, the cheftestants, and Bob in Smallville, are not buying it.
Then Alex says he had no idea Ed was doing puree and Miss Marple goes to the videotape of the night before the challenge when Alex is in the kitchen and Kenny tells him that Ed made a pea puree. I think Alex’s eyes glimmered a bit, and he spent the rest of the evening in his room, with the Candlestick, plotting his crime.

Tiffany , Ed and Alex are called before the panel and declared the winners.
Tiffany, and, again, for the record, I am now Team Tiffany, began to weep because she thought her overcooked fish would have landed her in the bottom. But Gail assures her that the tapenade had enough moisture to save her.
I like that about Tapenade. It always saves me.
Ed Volkswagen-sized lobsters were given high-praise, but then the mood turned sour.
Alex was praised from one end of the table to the other over his silky, rich, fabulous pea puree. While his salmon was perfectly cooked it was the pea puree that sealed the deal. Once again, Art Smith has an orgasm as he declares the puree, er, Alex, the winner.

The prize is that the Palm will add Alex’s dish to their menu–probably for about an hour, on a Tuesday–and that he will get his caricature, and by caricature I mean photograph because Alex already is a caricature–on the wall.

I’m hoping it’s the wall of the men’s room, right above a urinal.

Andrea, Kevin, and Kelly are dragged kicking and screaming from The Stew Room to face the inquisition where they are all charged with Crimes Of Stupidity.
Andrea gets called out for that vanilla-mustard sauce. personally, I would have shot her on the spot. And then she goes on and on about how she doesn’t eat, or cook, or serve, swordfish, and Art Smith says, We know, it showed on the plate.

Kevin, who seems, with the exception of once, to be a true Bottom Boy, and gets the Colicchio Beatdown for his overcooked lamb. He tries to cover by saying he likes his lamb medium, but he wasn’t serving the lamb to himself. And we’ve already gone over the Gail Simmons Red Chile Pepper About Face on his concasse.

Wow! That sounds dirty.

Kelly is up next and is charged wit a simple case of asSALT with a Deadly Spice. She does her best to cover, but as the judges sit at the table, all of them drinking from garden hoses, her arguments are mute.


Andrea is told to get out because of that vanilla bean fiasco, and she offers up Standard Reality Show Excuse For Getting Kicked Off Number 751: I didn’t get to show my true self. I was too busy playing the game.

Well, Andrea, now you have lots of time to show your ‘true’ self, only, seriously, honey, stay away from the vanilla.

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Filed under Bravo, Reality TV, Top Chef, TV

>Target Doesn’t Care About The LGBT Community


Target’s CEO Gregg Steinhafel defended the company’s political donations to a Minnesota group helping the state’s Republican candidate, Tom Emmer’s, gubernatorial run, telling employees at its Minneapolis headquarters that the company’s support of the gay community is “unwavering.”

Unwavering, though they give money to homophobes and bigots who give money to “Christian” rock groups that believe it’s moral to Kill The Gays [story HERE]

Gregg Steinhafel said, via email: “We rarely endorse all advocated positions of the organizations or candidates we support, and we do not have a political or social agenda…..Let me be very clear, Target’s support of the GLBT community is unwavering, and inclusiveness remains a core value of our company.”

Nice spin. What it says is that they give money to campaigns and causes without really knowing what the campaigns and causes stand for, and if they subsequently find out that the campaigns and causes are anti-gay, well,, yeah, too bad.

I believe the LGBT community should show it’s unwavering support for all retailers that are Not Target. You cannot say you support the LGBT community and then give money to a bigot like Emmer because, then it seems, the campaign contribution was given to help Target and screw the LGBT community.

Here’s a few facts on Tom Emmer, the man Target funded, but says they don’t “endorse all advocated positions” of his:

  • Emmer is a conservative.
  • Emmer applauds Arizona’s strict approach to illegal immigration
  • Emmer once advocated chemical castration for sex offenders
Emmer’s candidacy contrasts sharply with Target’s moderate image, where the company is known for donating to public school programs, food pantries and the annual Twin Cities Gay Pride Festival. And to bigots.

But Target was able to donate to Minnesota Forward–the PAC that donated to Emmer–under new laws allowing corporations to spend company money on election campaigns so that we can become the United States Of Target. Corporate donations have been flowing since the Supreme Court threw out parts of a 63-year-old law that prohibited companies and unions from donating to campaigns for or against candidates.

In Minnesota, where Target has its headquarters, Democrats are grumbling about the large donation, and some are talking about striking back at the popular brand. A few have even called for a boycott in the state, one of Target’s top three for sales. One Democratic-backed group is reaching out to Target employees through Facebook ads urging them to sign a petition opposing the donations.
In the end, Target says one thing and does another because it comes down to money, and doing what’s best for Target, not its employees, customers, or the LGBT community. Lena Michaud, a Target spokeswoman said the company supports causes and candidates “based strictly on issues that affect our retail and business objectives.”

There you have it.
Fuck the LGBT community. This is about making Target more money.

The Corporate United States.


Filed under Anti-LGBT, Minnesota, Target, Tom Emmer

>Art Wednesday: Jackson Pollock

>Carlos and I watched Who The #$&% Is Jackson Pollock? which is the story of a woman, Teri Horton, who bought an old painting in a second-hand store for a couple of bucks and then learned it was an original Jackson pollack, worth up to $20 million.

Of course, she faced enormous difficulty in trying to prove it was a Pollack. The art community, read: snobs, don’t believe that a Pollack could ever be sold at a second hand store, though that has happened before. The paint on the canvas was proven to come from Pollack’s studio, and it even has Jackson Pollack’s fingerprint on it.

But still, the naysayers say nay.

So, that brought me to Jackson Pollack for Art Wednesday because he was a master and a genius and a first.

He began to study painting in 1929 at the Art Students’ League, New York, and by the 1930s, was influenced by the Mexican muralist painters–Orozco, Rivera, Siqueiros. It was, however, in the 1940s when he began painting in a completely abstract manner, and the `drip and splash’ style for which he is best known emerged.

Instead of using the traditional easel he affixed his canvas to the floor or the wall and poured and dripped his paint from a can; instead of using brushes he manipulated it with, to use his own words, ‘sticks, trowels or knives.’

Pollock’s is mostly associated with the All-over style of painting which avoids any points of emphasis or identifiable parts within the whole canvas and therefore abandons the traditional idea of composition in terms of relations among parts. The design of his painting had no relation to the shape or size of the canvas–indeed in the finished work the canvas was sometimes docked or trimmed to suit the image. And that is what is believed to be the painting that Teri Horton found in the second-hand store–a cut off section of another painting.

On the floor I am more at ease, I feel nearer, more a part of the painting, since this way I can walk around it, work from the four sides and be literally `in’ the painting.–Jackson Pollack

“Tea Cup”

“Fathom Five”

“Lavender Mist”

“Number 8”



Filed under Art, Art Wednesday, Jackson Pollock