Category Archives: LGBT Rights

Wisconsin Doesn’t Like the Gays


Up there in Wisconsin, which is slowly turning into Wisconsizona, wingnut Governor Scott Walker believes a new law that gives gay couples hospital visitation rights violates the state constitution. He has asked a judge to allow the state to stop defending it.

A law that allows people to visit their loved ones in the hospital is unconstitutional? Oh, not ‘people,’ but gay people.
Back in 2009, when Democrats controlled the Legislature, they changed the law so that same-sex couples could sign up for domestic partnership registries with county clerks to secure some–not all–of the rights afforded married couples.

Like being able to visit your partner in the hospital, like you’d visit any family member. But Scott Walker doesn’t think gay couples are a family. he thinks, along with the homophobic, bigoted, Wisconsin Family Action, that the registries violate a 2006 amendment to the state constitution that bans gay marriage and any arrangement that is substantially similar.

See, gay folks and gay families and gay couples don’t deserve to be treated equally in Wisconsizona. At least while Scott Walker is governor, which, hopefully, won’t be more than one term.



Filed under Anti-LGBT, Bigot, Homophobia, LGBT Rights, Scott Walker

>God Is Love: Douglass Boulevard Christian Church


Last week, in Louisville, Kentucky, the congregation of Douglass Boulevard Christian Church unanimously–you read that right, unanimously–voted to end the practice of signing marriage licenses because they give legal benefits to heterosexual couples that are not available to homosexual couples. 

And until marriage equality is the law of the land, Douglass Boulevard Christian Church ministers will only perform religious wedding ceremonies, which we all know are not legal without a signed marriage certificate.

Associate Minister Ryan Kamp-Pappan: “As an Open and Affirming Community of Faith, our membership is committed to treating homosexuals and heterosexuals equally. Our congregation believes it is unfair to provide different services and benefits to heterosexual couples than we can provide to gay and lesbian couples.”

Senior minister, the Reverend Derek Penwell added, “Heterosexual couples enjoy a number of benefits that result from having state-sanctioned union. They may inherit property, adopt children together, visit one another in the hospital, and save thousands each year in taxes by filing as a couple. Ministers, as agents of the state, have the power to confer these benefits-and the imprimatur of normalcy-on heterosexual couples, but we do not have the honor to bestow these benefits on gay and lesbian couples.”

The Reverend Chuck Lewis, Chair of Elders with the church, said, “In our attempt to live out God’s call to pursue justice for all, the Elders of the congregation joined the Pastors in witnessing to the right for gay and lesbian persons to God’s blessing on their union and witnessing to the Commonwealth toward ending the refusal to recognize these unions.”

Douglass Boulevard Christian Church has been committed to seeking justice for all people since it was founded in 1846. In 2008, Douglass Boulevard Christian Church voted to become an Open and Affirming Community of Faith.

In 2011, God–if you believe in that sort of thing–was doing cartwheels and heaping praise ion the ministers and congregation at Douglas Boulevard Christian Church.



Filed under Douglas Boulevard Christian Church, God Is Love, Kentucky, LGBT, LGBT Rights, Louisville, Marriage Equality, Religion

>Supreme Court In India Defers On 2009 Ruling Decriminalizing Homosexuality


Back in 2009, the New Delhi High Court issued a landmark ruling that decriminalized homosexuality. Now, naturally the ruling stirred up all sorts of religious and political wingnuts who have since petitioned the Indian Supreme Court to overturn the ruling.

This week the Supreme Court deferred their decision until “after summer vacations.”

On a completely unrelated note, rumor has it that the entire India Supreme Court has purchased a summer time-share on Fire Island.

I kid. About that last part.


Filed under Discrimination, India, LGBT Rights

>Hawaii Gets More LGBT Friendly


First, Hawaii legalized civil unions.

Then its Senate confirmed a lesbian to the Hawaii Supreme Court.

And now this.

Last week the Hawaii Senate voted 22-2 to extend employment protections to transgender people.

Oh, but they did. Now all the legislation needs is Governor Neil Abercrombie’s signature.

The new law will prohibit discrimination in employment on the basis of gender identity. And, when it becomes law–since Abercrombie seems poised to sign it–Hawaii will join 12 other states, and the District of Columbia, in providing transgender employment, housing and public accommodation protections.

Twelve down. Thirtty-eight to go. Equality marches on.


Filed under Hawaii, LGBT Rights, Neil Abercrombie, Transgendered People

>Just a Thought: People Who Use God For Hate


I saw this on something called the Catholic News Agency–all the new that’s fit for hate, I’m guessing. It’s the story of how people in Colorado are using god as a weapon of hate, and smiling while they do so.

It seems that Colorado Catholics, and others in a coalition of hate, opposed to a civil unions bill, gathered on the steps of the Colorado statehouse to pray to god to stop gay people from being allowed, not to marry, but to civilly unite.


All the things wrong with the world–not to mention all the things wrong with the Catholic church….pedophiles–and these people want to pray to god–and before anyone gets wingnutty, I mean the little g–not to feed the poor, or heal the sick, or cure the dying, or save the planet, or help Japan, or stop the wars, but to keep Colorado lawmakers from enacting civil union legislation.

This is how they think god works?

Their god wants to keep gay men and women from being open and honest and out about their love for one another. Their god wants to keep gay men and women who fall in love from expressing that love? Their god doesn’t believe in love?

No, for those “good”Christians, god says that marriage is between one man and one woman, or some version of that since it’s changed dramatically since mortal men wrote the Bible, and then edited it down to what they wanted it to say, and called it the word of god.

I wonder why they think god has the time to waste on this nonsense. Why is their god a god who seeks to keep people who love one another, one of the greatest things we can ever do for each other, from being united in that love and that commitment?

I wonder why they think their god wants to waste her time this way.

See, what some lawmakers, and a great many people, in Colorado, want is quite simple. The legislation simply grants gay men and women the same legal benefits, protections, and responsibilities that are granted under the law to spouses. Not moral benefits, because morality is an individual thing; you cannot, or at least should try not to, legislate morality.

But these folks want their god to do some wild and crazy things; like keep gay couples from leaving their own property to their partner or loved ones, or anyone of their choosing; they use their god to keep gay couples from adding their partner, their spouse, their loved ones, to their insurance; they ask their god to keep gay people from visiting their partners in the hospitals, even in the cases of one partner dying.

They ask their god to hate gay people.

And then they smile about it.

If that’s what they believe their god is up to, then they can have it.

The god, or being, or entity, that I believe in, is simply love. And she doesn’t care whom you love, just that you love, and be loved in return. She isn’t marching on state capitals trying to impose her iron will on others who believe differently. She isn’t trying to legislate hate. She isn’t working overtime to keep people who love one another apart.

She has better things to worry about.

And so should you.

And the folks who question the existence of a god, or being or entity, or deny the existence of a god, being, or entity, only want that same thing. To have us all treated equally.

Such a novel concept.

Now, to make matters worse, and to give these people who use god as a weapon of hate feel a tiny bit better in their cold stone hearts, the Colorado civil union bill was killed by a House committee.

And, before you get your rosary beads in a twist, it wasn’t god who did this. It was Republicans. And if you think Republicans are god-like, or Christ-like, think again.

It’s simple bigotry and intolerance and fear.

Not god.  She wouldn’t do this to anyone.


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Filed under Bob, Civil Union, Just A Thought, LGBT Rights, Rant, Religion

>Reverend Welcomes The Chance To Bless Same-Sex Unions


Wesley United

After being in existence for 150 years, Wesley United Methodist Church closed in 2008 due to a steep decline in membership. It was one of the first megachurches in the Twin Cities, and was listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

Then, in 2010, representatives with Minnesota’s United Methodist Annual Conference expressed “considerable concern” over the cost of the building’s upkeep, says Reverend Greg Renstrom, but Methodist leaders agreed with him that the building, and the congregation deserved a second chance. Renstrom said that Wesley was suited to welcome the gay community in the nearby Loring Park area.

Reverend Greg Renstrom

So, the Reverend Greg Renstrom came out of retirement at age 64 to lead the congregation; he agreed to a yearly salary of one dollar. And Reverend Renstrom has more plans for Wesley, plans that could get him defrocked.

He plans to bless same-sex unions.

Renstrom wants to hold ceremonies to bless same-sex unions, even though they would be in conflict with Methodist policy, because, as he says, “[s]omebody has to do it. I cannot imagine that Jesus would ever refuse to bless a responsible, mutually respectful and reverent relationship.”

Renstrom sees the change as a key part of Wesley’s revival, and growth, as a Methodist church. Many in the Minneapolis-St Paul’s large gay community are coming to Wesley for Sunday services.

To get the word out to the gay community, Renstrom placed ads in Lavender magazine and church representatives recently attended a GLBT wedding show in Bloomington. Renstrom said that, although he hasn’t blessed any same-sex unions yet, he plans on doing so, even though he has no idea how the church officials will react. He admits that some people will be “madder than the dickens,” but he believes the move is worth the censure that may arise.

“I have so many friends who are gay and lesbian,” Renstrom said. “I’ve seen the absolute anguish they’ve been placed in because of the refusal of most churches to bless what is a basic relationship. I see this as something we will try to provide in our small way.”

And he knows, that although gay people deserve the same rights in and out of the church, that his plans could lead to him being removed from his position and defrocked.

But he’s going to do it anyway.



Filed under Civil Union, LGBT, LGBT Rights, Marriage Equality, Minnesota, Revered Greg Renstron

>He’s Hot For Marriage Equality


And he’s just plain hot.

As the Maryland house of delegates debates marriage equality legislation, Baltimore Ravens linebacker Brendon Ayanbadejo has released a video voicing his support for the measure.

Ayanbadejo says: “Having the freedom to marry means committed couples and their children will have the same crucial protections under the law as other families. Churches can always have their beliefs, but government is supposed to treat everybody the same, and that’s equal. America is supposed to be the land of the free but in order for this to be true for all of us, then we must have the ability to marry whom we love regardless of their gender.”

Hot.Smart.Compassionate. What’s not to love?

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Filed under Brendon Ayanbadejo, LGBT Rights, Marriage Equality, Maryland, Uncategorized

>Big Surprise!! Gaga And Target Part Ways!


I knew it wouldn’t last.

The reported deal between Target and Lady Gaga was dissolved this past week.

I knew it.

Target has a habit of changing their minds without reason or rationale. They say they support the LGBT community, and especially their LGBT employees, but them they give money to anti-gay politicians like Tom Emmer, who in turn gives money to “Christian” rock bands who think gays should die.

Target gets called out on their donation, and they apologize. Then, they say they aren’t sorry, that it’s just “business”. So, then they announce that they” be working with the LGBT community to improve their image, only to re-announce that they won’t be working with the LGBT community.

So, for me, and, I’m sure, most of the LGBT community, we knew the Target/Gaga connection wouldn’t last.

Bob Witeck of Witeck-Combs Communications, who was familiar with the dissolved deal, although he does not represent Gaga or any of the parties, says: “Despite the expectation that this was all unfolding as a deal, it has been in a sensitive stage of continued discussion for probably the last three weeks. Quite a few people, even early on, were afraid it was going to dissolve.”

Back in February, Gaga talked about the deal, saying: “[O]ur relationship is hinged upon their reform in the company to support the gay community and to redeem the mistakes they’ve made supporting those groups.” 

Of course, we all know, Target doesn’t care about the LGBT community, they care about the $$$$ community.



Filed under Lady GaGa, LGBT, LGBT Rights, Target

>Help Ed and Derence Get Married

Ed Watson and Derence Kernel have been together for forty years; living together, loving together, and being denied equality together. Their story isn’t quite so different from many other gay couple around the country except for one thing.

Ed is suffering from Alzheimer’s. And they’d like the Supreme Court to lift the stay on same-sex marriages in California so they can get married.

Do they want to get married so Derence can visit Ed in the hospital without hassle?

That would be  a ‘No’.

So, they must want to get married for insurance reasons, to help defray the cost of treatment and care for Ed as he battles Alzheimer’s.
That would also be a ‘No’.

Ed Watson and Derence Kernel want the Supreme Court to lift the stay and let them be married for one reason: so Ed can remember the ceremony. Remember the commitment.

How is that wrong?

Please go to Prop 8 Trial Tracker and sign Ed and Derence’s open letter to the 9th Circuit court asking them to lift the stay.

Here is that letter:

Dear Courage Campaigner,
Yesterday I found out the California Supreme Court denied a motion to speed up the Prop 8 trial. They’re going to take their summer recess and come back in around 6 months or so. It must be nice for them.
Thing is, I am 78 years old, and I have Alzheimer’s disease. I have been with my partner, Derence, for over 40 years. And if the courts drag this out for months and months, I fear I will, God forbid, lose the ability to recognize my beloved Derence when he gets on his knee to propose to me.
I can’t afford that, and Derence deserves better. That’s why I agreed to be named in Courage Campaign’s amicus curiae letter to the 9th Circuit, asking that the stay be lifted so I can at least have my dignity on our wedding day.
Please watch this video of me and my partner Derence, and then co-sign our letter to the 9th Circuit, begging them to lift the stay while the California Supreme Court drags its feet.
If the California Supreme Court is going to take its time, then we deserve the dignity of marriage…before I can’t remember what marriage is.
Ed Watson, Palm Springs, CA


Filed under Alzheimer's, California, Derence Kernel, Ed Watson, LGBT, LGBT Rights, Marriage Equality, Prop H8, US Supreme Court

>Good News Monday: Immigration Equality Will Sue Over DOMA


Immigration Equality, a group that works on LGBT immigration-related issues, is planning to file a lawsuit against the Defense of Marriage Act [DOMA], challenging that the statute is unfair to married bi-national same-sex couples.

Steve Ralls, of Immigration Equality, said the lawsuit will be filed on behalf of gay Americans who are married and have their marriages recognized in their home state, but are unable to sponsor their partners for residency under current immigration law: “There’s no doubt that the administration’s new stance on DOMA has created a new window of opportunity to advocate on behalf of our families within the court system. We believe we have a good shot at winning and securing immigration rights for, at the very least, couples who are legally married in states where those marriages are valid.”

Preparation for the lawsuit comes in the wake of the announcement from President Obama last week that he will no longer defend the Defense of Marriage Act against litigation in court–now, before some of you wingnuts go all crazy, he said he wouldn’t defend DOMA in court, but he is still enforcing it because it’s the law.
Ralls hopes to have plaintiffs identified within the next three to four weeks, and the suit will follow shortly thereafter. “We believe there is a real opportunity to bring a successful challenge in federal court and win a victory for couples who are struggling to remain together under current immigration laws. We’re expanding our legal advocacy work to include a federal challenge because, as the legal experts on bi-national couples and immigration law, we believe we have the expertise to mount the strongest possible suit.”

Another footfall on the path to real equality.


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Filed under DOMA, Immigration, Immigration Equality, LGBT, LGBT Rights