Monthly Archives: April 2010

>He’s So Stupid, He’s Almost Funny…….Almost


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Filed under Assassination Threat, Immigration, Ted Poe, Texas

>I Didn’t Say It

Focus on Family head, Jim Daly, who replaced James Dobson, on gay marriage and how he doesn’t think it’s the end of the world as we know it:
“I’m not fearful that change will happen in America. It will happen. I don’t know what will happen with same-sex marriage, but I’m not going to be discouraged if we lose some of those battles. It’s going to be difficult in this culture and the way the demographics are going right now. You look at the under-35 age group. I think it’s splitting 60-40 support for same-sex marriage….I will continue to defend traditional marriage, but I’m not going to demean human beings for the process.”

Cyndi Lauper, on Lady Gaga:
“People forget how young she is. She is barely 24–much younger than I was when I became famous. It’s very tough being where she is right now. People are pulling her in all different directions. It’s hard to navigate that…I can’t wait to see how she grows and what she decides her next act will be…When I see somebody like Gaga, I sit back in admiration. I’m inspired to pick up the torch again myself. I did an interview with her once, and she showed up with a sculpture on her head. I thought, How awesome…She isn’t a pop act, she is a performance artist. She herself is the art. She is the sculpture.”

Bad Hair Life, Donald Trump, on why he thinks fascism in Arizona is a good thing [sidenote: I wonder how many employees at his hotels and resorts and spas don’t have “papers”]:
“Well it all starts with the federal government not coming out with a law. They’ve been talking about it for years and they still haven’t done anything about it. And Arizona is really getting crime-ridden. There’s people coming over, there’s killings all over the place, there’s shootings all over the place. What are you going to do? I mean, are you going to stop people to see if they’re supposed to be there? And personally as a citizen I wouldn’t mind, I really wouldn’t mind.”

Laura Bush, on how she asked her idiot husband not to make gay marriage an issue in the 2004 election–of course he didn’t listen, he’s a dumbass like that:
“In 2004 the social question that animated the campaign was gay marriage. Before the election season had unfolded, I had talked to George about not making gay marriage a significant issue. We have, I reminded him, a number of close friends who are gay or whose children are gay. But at that moment I could never have imagined what path this issue would take and where it would lead.”

Olympic Gold Medalist, and ALLEGED heterosexual, Evan Lysacek on Johnny Weir’s complaint about not being asked to join the “Stars On Ice” tour:
“‘Stars on Ice’ is really selective of who they hire and they only hire the best of the best to skate. It would’ve been hard of them to justify hiring him, and I think he was really upset because he wanted the financial benefit of the tour. A lot of us in the skating world were really disappointed in the way he reacted, basically whining that he wasn’t chosen.”

Outsports, on Evan Lysacek’s statement about Johnny Weir:
“No Evan, Johnny wasn’t whining. He was reacting to perceived homophobia. But I guess you wouldn’t know anything about that, since you’re straight as an arrow. At least Evan left this little gem for us in the interview…
“‘Last question: Are you seeing anyone?
I’m single. The reason, well…(laughs)…I’m limited to who I can see. I’m dating in L.A., but I just haven’t found the right girl.'”

Johnny Weir, on Evan Lysacek:
“He’s a slore.”

Molly Ringwald on why there were no gay characters in the John Hughes movies:
“Maybe it was just too soon and too controversial at the time, but from what I understand, John was a big Republican. I really didn’t know this back then, and maybe he wasn’t when I was working with him, but I guess he became one. Not to say that all Republicans are antigay, but historically, you know, that has to rub off a little bit, right?”

Ricky Martin, Tweeting about the new fascist state of Arizona:
“Equality is understanding that we all come from the same place. Racial profiling should never be tolerated, in the U.S. or anywhere in the world. We’re moving backwards. Scary.”
Colin Farrell, on his sex tape [note to Colin: Honey, I was doing a lot of thing. Laughing? Not one of them]:
“I didn’t really give too much a fuck about that-I just didnt want it on demand in a hotel room. It was a bit of an expensive 14 minutes. But at the end of the day, it was something to be laughed at.”
Arizona Fascist Governor Jan Brewer on best gal-pal MooseMess Palin:
“Had such a great time with Sarah Palin last night that we went to the Diamondbacks game today before she left town. It was great talking to her about my efforts here in Arizona of securing our borders, fighting Obama Care and preserving our 2nd Amendment rights.”
Sterling, Virginia District Supervisor Eugene Delgaudio, spreading homophobic hate in a fundraising letter:
“Frankly if you really do support the radical Homosexual Agenda–or if you just no longer care enough to stand up for the family–insiders in Congress say the entire Homosexual Agenda could pass in a matter of months. Special job rights for homosexuals and lesbians. Businesses may have to adopt hiring quotas to protect themselves from lawsuits. Every homosexual fired or not hired becomes a potential federal civil rights lawsuit.
Radical homosexuals will terrorize day care centers, hospitals, churches and private schools. Traditional moral values will be shattered by federal law. Same-sex marriages and adoptions. Wedding-gown clad men smooching before some left-wing clergy or state official is just the beginning. You’ll see men hand-in-hand skipping down to adoption centers to ‘pick out’ a little boy for themselves.
Homosexual advocacy in schools. Your children or grandchildren will be taught homosexuality is moral, natural and good. High school children will learn perverted sex acts as part of “safe sex” education. With condoms already handed out in many schools, Radical Homosexuals will have little trouble adopting today’s “if it feels good do it” sex-ed curriculum to their agenda. And to add insult to injury, lobbyists for the Homosexual Agenda are paid off with your tax dollars! That’s right, radical homosexual groups like the Gay-Lesbian Task Force and ACT-UP receive millions from the government.”
Complete moron Sarah Palin, on organic food:
“I eat granola. I eat a lot of organic food. I have to shoot and catch a lot of my organic food before I eat it.”
Bryan Fischer, wingnutting for the American Family Association:
“Bottom line: you want to know who’s now running the U.S. Army, the U.S. Navy and the Marines and calling the shots where it counts? Fundamentalist Muslims and homosexual activists.”

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Filed under Bryan Fischer, Colin Farrell, Cyndi Lauper, Donald Trump, Eugene Delgaudio, Evan Lysacek, Jan Brewer, Jim Daly, Johnny Weir, Laura Bush, Mama Grizzly Bore, Molly Ringwald, OutSports, Ricky Martin

>Not Home Schooled, But Home Teaching


We always hear about how rosy things are up in Canada, with their health care and their gay marriage, and…..and…..well, that’s a good start. But it really isn’t all Shangri la and Xanadu for the LGBT community. There are still pockets of bigotry and hatred.

Case in point: Lisa Reimer, a music teacher at a Catholic high school for girls in Vancouver, was told that she must now work from home after parents complained about having a lesbian teach their kids. The school, Vancouver’s Little Flower Academy, wants Reimer, to finish out her contract, which expires in June, by staying away from the students.

Lisa Reimer is not buying it. She doesn’t think it’s the parents who want her gone, she believes it’s the school. In December 2009, she came out to school administrators when she asked to take parental leave because her partner was expecting a baby; in January, she was denied the request, and now she is not allowed to teach her class, and must work from home.

Little Flower Academy principal told Reimer the administration had no concerns about her abilities as a teacher, but that many parents were worried about Reimer’s potential influence on students.

See, as a music teacher, she’ll use music as a means to indoctrinate small Catholic children into the homosexual lifestyle. Damn! How can we ever increase our numbers if the straights won’t allow us near their kids?

Not so rosy, Canada, not so rosy.

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Filed under Canada, Catholic, Catholic Church, Discrimination, LGBT, LGBT Rights, Religion, Teachers

>Nancy Wants It Done This Year


Even though all sorts of folks, including the White House, are saying “No,” Nancy Pelosi is saying “Yes”

Pelosi, the House Speaker, plans on having a DADT vote this year, according to her spokesperson, Drew Hammill, who said, “it is the Speaker’s intention that a vote will be taken this year.”

Work it, Nancy. This is good news.

Aubrey Sarvis, executive director of the Servicemembers Legal Defense Network [SLDN] is thrilled with the news: “I’m delighted that [Pelosi] reaffirmed to hold the vote this year.” Sarvis also thinks it’s high time for the president to step up as well. “The hour for the president as well as for the leadership to become engaged is now,” he said. “The reality is — particularly in the Senate Armed Services Committee — we are still short of some critical votes. We don’t have the votes today. We’re on the brink of getting them, and we need help from leadership on the Hill and from the president himself.”

Yes, we do.


Filed under DADT, Nancy Pelosi, President Obama, SLDN, Uncategorized

>Mississippi Is Anti-Tuxedo……If You’re A Lesbian


Mississippi will never learn.

They tried to keep Constance McMillen from the prom for many things, including wearing a tuxedo, and now another school in Mississippi has removed a photo of a lesbian student for the same reason.


Mississippi high school senior Ceara Sturgis opened her yearbook last Friday to find that her photo, in which she wears a tuxedo, was not included; worse yet, was that her name was not included in the names of the senior class. All because of a tuxedo.

Sturgis, a student at Wesson Attendance Center, and her mother, Veronica Rodriguez, fought school officials last fall when they first rejected the photo of a tuxedo-clad Sturgis. The ACLU wrote a letter demanding officials use Sturgis’ submitted photo in the yearbook, but Copiah County School District officials refused.

Veronica Rodriguez said she expected the yearbook to at least contain a reference to her daughter on the senior page, but discovered that the school had refused to acknowledge her entirely.

The Copiah County School District maintains that its decision not to run the photo is based on federal legal precedent.

Oh, you mean the federal legal precedent that says girls can’t wear tuxedos in their yearbook pictures in bassackwards states like Mississippi where redneckedness, bigotry, homophobia, racism, and just plain stupidity are the law of the land.

That law?


Filed under Ceara Sturgis, High School Prom, Homophobia, Lesbian, Mississippi, Uncategorized

>Pat Bertroche Is A Stupid Mother&$%#er


It seems everyone has an idea of how to stop illegal immigration. But Pat Bertroche, running for political office in Iowa, wants to implant illegal immigrants with microchips, like you would, say, a dog.

Did no one tell him he was a racist mother&%$#er before he opened his mouth, because, comparing human beings, and it doesn’t matter if they’re illegal immigrants, to animals, is disgusting.

Pat Bertroche, in his own racist, asshat words, spoke at Republican forum, and made it clear that he wasn’t joking when he suggested treating undocumented immigrants like pets:

“I think we should catch ’em, we should document ’em, make sure we know where they are and where they are going. I actually support microchipping them. I can microchip my dog so I can find it. Why can’t I microchip an illegal? That’s not a popular thing to say, but it’s a lot cheaper than building a fence they can tunnel under.”
I’m surprised he didn’t volunteer the same solution his obvious heroes used: tattoo some numbers on “them”. Make “them” wear a colored triangle. Put “them” in a safe secure location, you know, a camp, or something.

Better yet, implant a microchip in fucktard asshat wingnut fascists like Bertroche so we’ll always know where “they” are.



Filed under Arizona, Boycott, California, Darrell Steinberg, Fascist State, Racism, Uncategorized

>Sorry Kids, You Don’t Get Two Parents in Lose-iana


They don’t get it in Louisiana. I’d hoped they would, but they just don’t. They hear the word gay in any sentence and automatically shut down.

It’s been scarcely a week since I wrote a post [
HERE] about a Louisiana congressman, Juan LaFonta, and his proposed bill that would have allowed unmarried couples–straight OR gay–to jointly adopt a child, and allow an existing parent–straight OR gay–to petition a court to add a second adult–straight OR gay–as a legal parent. See, Louisiana? It wasn’t about being gay, it was about adoption, and allowing those children to be adopted by both parents in an unmarried relationship.

But it’s not gonna happen. The Senate Judiciary Committee voted a 3-1 rejection of the measure.

The debate pitted the Forum for Equality, a gay rights advocacy group, the ACLU, and other adoptive parents, including straight New Orleans City Council President Arnie Fielkow, against a long list of mostly religious interests: the Louisiana Family Forum, the Conference of Catholic Bishops and representatives of Louisiana Southern Baptists. Even wingnut, moron, asshat, Republican Governor Bobby Jindal opposed the bill to allow adoptive children the right to two parents.

Kelly Bryson of New Orleans had asked lawmakers to approve the bill so she and her partner, Erika Knott, can “complete our family.” The couple gained custody of a Louisiana foster child, William, just before Hurricane Katrina, but only Knott was allowed to adopt the boy. When they moved to Maryland after the storm, Bryson successfully petitioned for a second parent adoption. Now, they are back in Louisiana, and Knott has again adopted; the boy is William’s biological brother Jeremy. But with no change to the law, William has two legally recognized parents, while Jeremy has just one.

John Yeats, representing the not-quite-forward thinking Louisiana Baptist Convention, declared the bill a back-door attempt to legalize gay marriage, though the law pertains strictly to unmarried straight OR gay partnerships. He even went so far as to warn the law makers that “if we allow marriage to become a homosexual institution” society would lose words like “husband” and “wife” to designations like “partner” and “unmarried couple.”

Oh, dear, we might lose words! The horror! As if that would happen. But, if it did, we’d always have asshat, just for you, John Yeats.

It was Republican–naturally–Senators Don Claitor, Jack Donahue, and Bob Kostelka who voted against the measure. Democratic Senator Ed Murray was the lone “yes” vote. Republican Chairwoman Julie Quinn did not vote, and two Democrats, Rob Marionneaux and Nick Gautreaux skipped the meeting altogether.

Bad enough for those who voted “no” on giving children the right to two parents, straight OR gay, but equally disgusting are those who either did not vote, or simply didn’t show up.

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Filed under Adoption, Ignorant People, Juan LaFonta, Louisiana

>Think Before You Boycott


Lotsa folks–other than me–up in arms about The Fascist State of Arizona.
Losta folks–other than me–callin’ for a boycott.

But, um, if you’re gonna boycott Arizona, make sure it’s actually Arizona.

Case in point: Opponents of Arizona’s new anti-immigrant law are calling for a boycott of all state products, including the popular Arizona Iced Tea. Good idea, except that, um, well, Arizona Iced Tea is actually brewed in New York. By a company headquartered founded in Brooklyn in 1992, though now it’s housed in its new $35 million building in Nassau County. But that didn’t stop some people from gettin’ all twitchy about fightin’ the good fight online:

Jody Beth, in Los Angeles, Twittered:
“Dear Arizona: If you don’t change your immigration policy, I will have to stop drinking your enjoyable brand of iced tea.”

Travis Nichols, of Chicago, chimed in:
“It is the drink of fascists.”

You wanna fight the good fight, then at least take a nanosecond to research the company you want to punish. Just because it’s called Arizona, doesn’t mean it’s from Arizona. I look at it this way: just because they’re called crackers doesn’t mean they’re from the South.

Drink the damned tea already!


Filed under Arizona, Boycott, Funny, Racism

>Another Asshat Crawls From The Slime

>What’s the deal with Alabama? Are you jealous that Arizona is getting all the press about being a racist state? Feeling left out that its backwoods mentality isn’t front page news?

Well, Tim James wants to change all that.

He’s a Republican [naturally] running for governor of Alabama, hoping that people there would prefer his brand of “common sense” over “political correctness”. But his kind of common sense is the kind that don’t take kindly to people that don’t speak ‘Murican English. See, Tim James wants the Alabama’s driver’s license exam to be be given only in English.

“This is Alabama; we speak English. If you want to live here, learn it.”

That’s the message of this asshat, wingut’s ads that he has up and running on YouTube. The son of a former Alabama governor, Tim James promises to do away with the 12 foreign languages the test currently offers, saying he’s only doing it to save the taxpayers money, saying, “[m]aybe it’s the businessman in me.”

Oh, honey, it’s not the businessman in you, it’s the white sheet on you.

Of course, what Tim “The Only Good ‘Murican Is The English Talkin’ ‘Murican” doesn’t seem to realize is that he won’t be saving the taxpayers money with his racist viewpoint. In fact, Alabama could lose billions of dollars in federal transportation funding.

Ah, but who needs roads when you can run the funny talkers outta town?

For those of you who don’t get it, this is what a racist looks like and talks like:


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>Tuxedo Says Boycott Arizona


As a “cat of color” Tuxedo sympathizes with those men and women who are subjected to the Show-me-your-papers laws of Arizona, and has decided to go into hiding himself because he does not have the proper documentation.


Filed under Arizona, Smallville, Tuxedo