>Caite Upton Goes All Stupid. Again.

>Remember Caite Upton, the pageant knucklehead from South Carolina, and The Iraq and such as? Yes? No? Well, either way, here’s a refresher before we get started:

Yeah. Anyway. We’re so proud, and such as, here in South Carolina, because we have access to illiterate fools, and such as. But I digress.

Caite Upton, Miss Airhead 2010, and her Huckleberry hound, model-[?]-boyfriend, Brent Horne, are contestants in the latest rendition of The Amazing Race, partially in hopes of dispelling the myth that models in general, and Caite in particular, are dumb.

It’s, um, not working.

See, dim bulb Caire, and dimmer bulb Brent Horne, seemed to have had it out for lesbian couple Carol Rosenfeld and Brandy Snow almost from the first episode of the season. I can understand, a little, because Caite overheard that Carol and Brandy had a laugh or twelve at her expense over “The Iraq And Such As”. But Caite Upton made those idiotic statements, and has heard all the jokes, so why the express anger at Rosenfeld and Snow.

Aaaaah! Lesbians.

See, I think Caite, dear sweet shy stupid naive Caite, bless her heart, is one of your mainstream South Carolina homophobes. And, so, she had to find a way to rid The Amazing Race of The Lesbians. But, to hear Carol and Brandy tell it, they assumed all was right between the couple and the couple of airheads.

Carol Rosenfeld: “We both had separate conversations with her and Caite talked about [her infamous answer at Miss Teen USA 2007] and how she overcame it. I remember specifically saying, ‘Good for you,’ so to find out how much she hated us was a complete shock.”

The models’ very visible hatred of the two women culminated in last Sunday’s episode when they U-Turned Carol and Brandy, leading to their elimination. So, why the intense hatred, and why, Caite and Brent, you two inept fools, the need to constantly refer to Carol and Brandy as “The Lesbians”? I don’t recall other teams referring to you two as “The Two Mindnumbingly Dumb Asshats From South Caolina”.

Carol Rosenfeld: “I don’t want to go to the point where I say she’s homophobic because that’s a pretty severe indictment of somebody. I don’t know. People will have to be the judge of that, but you watch it and you don’t know this is going on, and you like to think that in this day and age, people of a much younger generation would be a little more open-minded. It is what it is. She was clearly obsessed with beating and eliminating us. I think she very clearly had a problem with us as lesbians, not with us as individuals because she never individually indicts one of us as having done anything specifically wrong to them.”

No need to do anything specifically wrong to them, just the simple fact that you’re Lesbians, and she somehow, if it’s even possible, thinks of you as less than she is, proves that Caite Upton is an Idiotic-Homophobe from a state full of them.

And such as.


Filed under Asshat, Brandy Snow, Brent Horne, Caite Upton, Carol Rosenfeld, CBS, Homophobia, Reality TV, The Amazing Race

>Just When You Thought Church Leaders Couln’t Sink Any Lower: Bishop Giacomo Babini


Seriously, quit pointing the finger outward and start looking on the inside. The troubles surrounding the Catholic Church are not the fault of anyone, or anything, other than the Catholic Church’s own obsession with saving face and saving dollars.

After blaming The Gays, and the media, and the Pro-Choice people, the Vatican blame game for the pedophile priest sex abuse scandal has gotten truly ugly. Their latest attempt to deflect responsibility and accountability, and to protect Pope Benedict’s reputation, reeks of anti-semitism, a new low–even for the Roman Catholic Church.

While the Vatican has denounced Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone’s statements linking pedophilia to homosexuality, they have settled their demonic gaze upon Jews.

Giacomo Babini, a retired bishop, believes recent criticism of Pope Benedict’s failure to deal with known pedophile priests, is a “Zionist attack,” and is on record as saying:

“They do not want the church, they are its natural enemies. Deep down, historically speaking, the Jews are God killers.”

No, Bishop Babini, the Jews are not God killers, not are they, or anyone else responsible for decades upon decades of child molestation aided and abetted by the Catholic Church.

That’s on you and your brethren.


Filed under Bishop Giacomo Babini, Catholic, Catholic Church, Child Molestation, Pedophile Priests, The Pope, Uncategorized

>Ignore The Children, Protect The Bank Account


You’d think the officials in the Catholic Church would simply shut up, but still they keep talking and talking, and making no sense whatsoever.

And now this.

There is a new bill in Connecticut’s legislature that would remove the statute of limitations on child sexual abuse cases, meaning that lawsuits and criminal cases could be filed no matter how many years it has been since the abuse first occurred. Under current Connecticut law, sexual abuse victims have 30 years past their 18th birthday to file suit, but the proposed change would rescind that statute of limitations. However, and this is no surprise, the state’s Roman Catholic bishops oppose the measure.

The Catholic bishops argue that the change to the law would put “all Church institutions, including your parish, at risk,” though they failed to mention the children at risk in the hands of pedophile priests. They seem, and gain this is no surprise, more intent on protecting the image and bank accounts of the Catholic Church than they do in protecting the interests of children.

The bishops, who posted their opposition to the proposed law on the Web site of the Connecticut Catholic Public Affairs Conference, say the “legislation would undermine the mission of the Catholic Church in Connecticut, threatening our parishes, our schools, and our Catholic Charities.”

Undermine their mission? And what is their mission? Protecting pedophiles?

God is watching and she is getting pissed.


Filed under Catholic, Catholic Church, Child Molestation, Connecticutt, Pedophile Priests

>She Didn’t Sing On Glee Last Night……

>…But she’s singing today.
Ladies and Gentleladies, Idina Menzel and Brave!


Filed under Idina Menzel, Music, Uncategorized, YouTube

>Update: Jackson Memorial Hospital Steps Up….A Little


Do you remember the story of Janice Langbehn and her partner Lisa Marie Pond? The couple had planned a family cruise, but, while in Miami Lisa Pond suffered a stroke and was taken to Jackson Memorial Hospital, where Janice, and their children, were kept from seeing her as she slipped into a coma and died.

[Previous posts on this sad story are HERE and HERE.]

Well, it finally looks like Jackson Memorial, oddly enough ranked one of “America’s Best Hospitals,” may actually have taken a giant step forward in dealing with LGBT patients, couples, and families.

Lambda Legal, its coalition partners, and officials from Jackson Health System–which runs Jackson Memorial–have announced that the hospital has improved policies that are more responsive to the needs of the LGBT community; Lambda Legal believes, however, that the new policies still do not provide as much protection as needed in critical situations, and they have urged Jackson Memorial to enact a full grievance procedure and apologize formally to the Langbehn-Pond family:

“Lambda Legal applauds Jackson Memorial’s work with the coalition to review and expand policies and training materials to help address the needs of same-sex couples and their families, but we urge the hospital to finish the job. The hospital should issue an official apology to the Langbehn-Pond family and JHS should have a grievance procedure in the case of visitation denial that can be acted on quickly in an emergency situation….We don’t want the Langbehn-Pond nightmare to happen to another family.”
Last September, when the court rejected a Lambda Legal lawsuit against Jackson Memorial Hospital on behalf of Janice Langbehn, ruling that no law required the hospital to allow her and their three children to see her partner, Lisa Pond, Lambda Legal began working privately with other LGBT organizations and hospital officials to address the policies that leave many same-sex couples and their families vulnerable during critical times. After a year of reviewing hospital policies policies, the coalition recommended several changes that the hospital has since adopted:

  • the development and implementation of a non-discrimination policy that includes sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression,
  • a patient’s bill of rights that demonstrates the hospital’s commitment to providing quality care for LGBT patients.
  • a visitation policy that updates the definition of family to include same-sex partners and other people who may not be legally related to a patient.

Hopefully this will prevent another such tragedy from happening to an LGBT family at Jackson Memorial. Whatever your thoughts on LGBT rights and discrimination, you must know that to allow a person to die, while keeping their loved ones from their side, is unconscionable.


Filed under Discrimination, Florida, Jackson Memorial Hospital, Janice Langbehn, LGBT, LGBT Rights, Lisa Marie Pond, Miami

>Missoula, Montana Doing The Right Thing


Very early yesterday morning, the Missoula City Council adopted the first equality ordinance in all of Montana that protects people from discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

First steps.

“Most of us can’t remember civil rights in action,” said Councilwoman Stacy Rye, an ordinance sponsor. “This is it for us. This is our lifetimes.”
After a nearly seven hour meeting, the ordinance, which protects Missoula residents from housing and employment discrimination based on “actual or perceived … sexual orientation, gender identity or expression” passed by a vote of 10-2.
“Hopefully our actions tonight will ripple through Montana from Libby to Billings, from Dillon to Wolf Point, and eventually to the capital in Helena,” said Councilman Dave Strohmaier, another sponsor of the ordinance.
Apparently, oddly enough, anti-discrimination ordinances are a contentious issue in Missoula. Mayor John Engen even warned people in attendance that he would recess the meeting if the audience clapped for anyone–for or against the proposal. But when the final vote was taken, the pent-up applause erupted and many supporters offered the council a standing ovation.
And they deserved They’ve set the standard for the rest of Montana, and for another other town which doesn’t protect it’s citizens from discrimination.
Good job, Missoula!

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Filed under Discrimination, LGBT, LGBT Rights, Missoula, Montana, Uncategorized

>Do Something!


I cannot shield my anger at the Catholic church over the molestation scandal. I am so tired of their excuses; the Devil, the homosexual, the New York Times, Pro-Choice advocates. All, in recent weeks, have been labeled the reasons for the scandal, or, at the very least, the reason for the continuing news of the scandal. All have been accused of fanning the fires of this scandal in order to take down the Catholic church.

Well, that won’t happen. The church won’t go anywhere, no one will be able to “take it down.” But it does have to change. It does have to accept responsibility for being complicit in the pedophile scandal. It isn’t the faith, it’s the church.

There is nothing wrong with the Catholic faith, even for people, like myself, who don’t follow it. The trouble lies in the leaders of the church. Those men who, for years, have protected pedophiles, moved pedophiles from place to place rather than turn them over to authorities; they even moved one back to Vatican City so he could not be prosecuted.

Short and sweet: the leaders of the Catholic church, in order to keep their coffers full, and their art collection in tact, and the Pope in Prada, have systematically aided and abetted pedophiles for years.

Of course, it isn’t their fault. They have placed blame for the scandal squarely on the shoulders of Satan. And, for good measure, they have blamed the Gay Community, because all gay men want to have sex with boys; they can’t prove it, but they can keep saying it. Even the Pope’s highest ranking officials, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, the Vatican’s secretary of state, has said, “Many psychologists and psychiatrists have demonstrated that there is no relation between celibacy and pedophilia. But many others have demonstrated, I have been told recently, that there is a relation between homosexuality and pedophilia. That is true. That is the problem.”

Can’t prove it, but they keep saying it.

And, in addition to the laying of blame for the scandal, they also blame the media, most notably, the New York Times, and people who are Pro-Choice or pro-marriage equality, for fanning the flames of the scandal.

Everyone, it seems, is to blame, except for the Catholic Church.

Okay, then, we’ll take the hit, the Gay Community, I mean. We’re used to it. We’re the cause of the global economic meltdown; it’s our fault terrorists fly planes into buildings; we’ve destroyed marriage from Iowa to Massachusetts; we put Heidi Montag in a recording studio. All the evils of the world are our fault.

Happy now Catholic church. I’ve taken the blame. But now it’s up to you to shut up, to quit whining about being targeted, and do something.

Rid the church of every single pedophile priest. Make the commitment to your followers that you will no longer tolerate this and will seek out and punish any priest accused of molesting a child.

Instead of playing the blame game, DO SOMETHING!


Filed under Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, Catholic, Catholic Church, Child Molestation, Pedophile Priests, The Pope, Uncategorized

>Things That Tickle My, Um, Fancy

It’s back. tonight. Not the Madonna ep; that’s next week, but still……..
It’s on opposite Lost.
I have a DVR.
All is right with the world because I can be a Gleek and a Lostie all at the same time!

Y’all know about my feud with Lindsay Lohan, right? I mean, she beat me out for The Love Bug sequel, and I got cast in Twilight instead of her–I played High School Girl Number 14. It wasn’t a big part but I got felt up by Rob Pattinson.

So, Lindsay and I have been frenemies for a long time.
Well, it seems that Nintendo, after a long five year wait, has decided to make a video game out of Lohan’s mediocre movie, Mean Girls. But, and this is where I giggle, they left Lindsanity off the box cover. And she STARRED in the movie.
It’s mean, to a mean girl.
And I love it.

This is kinda cute.
Yardley is using Ricky Martin’s coming out party to advertise their new line of waterproof mascara, because all those girls who love Ricky are crying since he’s revealed himself to be a man’s man.
Um, yeah, Yardley? There aren’t any of those girls left. They all got the memo in 1992 and moved on. And, as for boys who wear waterproof mascara, they ain’t cryin’ over Ricky’s coming out either.
They’re dancing.

I will have to say that i might be the Lone Gay Man who isn’t dying over Sex and The City. I saw a few episodes of the series; cute, funny, I’ll give it that. But it didn’t ring my bell, you know. And I didn’t see the first movie until DVD and probably won’t sequel until DVD or OnDemand.
But that doesn’t stop me from getting all giggly over the latest one-sheet for SATC2 with EssJayPee strolling single toward us.
Where are the other girls? Where are the other girl’s names?
Uh huh. I smell SATC2 catfight.
Or, perhaps, SATC3: Carrie’s Funeral.


Filed under Glee, Lindsay Lohan, LOST, Ricky Martin, Sarah Jessica Parker, Sex and The City

>Catholic Church: Take Note


Uh oh. Utah could see an openly gay man rise to power in the church. Oh, silly, not the Mormon Church. Aother church; one which understands that god is love, not Prop H8.

The Episcopal Church,

It seems likely that the Reverend Michael Barlowe could make Utah the third Episcopal diocese with an openly gay bishop.

Barlowe–who married his partner, the Reverend Paul Burrows, in San Francisco in 2008–is one of four finalists to replace retiring Bishop Carolyn Tanner Irish. The other candidates are the Reverend Juan A. Quevedo-Bosch, a Cuban-born rector in New York; the Reverend Mary Sulerud, from Washington, D.C.; and the Reverend Scott Hayashi, of Chicago.
The selection of another gay bishop, however, would be the most controversial.
Barlowe would join the Reverend Gene Robinson, of New Hampshire, and the Reverend Mary Glasspool, who is scheduled to be consecrated as an assistant bishop in the Diocese of Los Angeles next month, as the church’s only openly gay bishops.
Of course, by elevating Barlowe it might also exacerbate tensions over homosexuality in the worldwide Anglican Communion, the Church of England’s umbrella organization that includes the Episcopal Church. Several African dioceses, opposed to gay clergy, have split with the Communion and formed a new denomination, which has attracted a handful of Episcopal churches in the United States.
And picking a gay bishop would not endear the diocese to Utah’s dominant Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which funded Prop H8 in California.

But, for me, it’s kind of nice to know that, while the Catholic Church works over time spinning their pedophile scandal into a homosexual issue, one church recognizes that all people deserve love, whether gay or straight, and that having a gay man or woman as a leader in your church isn’t a bad thing, it’s the right thing.

Good luck Reverend Barlowe.

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Filed under Episcopal Church, LGBT, Reverend Michael Barlowe, Utah

>Asshat Of The Week: Mike Huckabee


We haven’t had an Asshat Of The Week here at ISBL for a very long time. That isn’t to say that we haven’t seen asshats. Every time Palin speaks, it’s asshat. It’s just, there have been so many to choose from, that it’s been next to impossible. Until now.

Mike Hucakabee has chosen to pry open his teeny weeny brain and talk about some things, and show all of us, what a true asshat looks like.

On Michael Steele and the Republican National Committee’s donor money scandal. You remember, the privates planes, the fancy hotels, the lesbian bondage bars? Those family values? This is what asshat sounds like:

“I think what’s happened is horrible. The question is, how is [Steele] going to take control and how is he going to explain it? I think there does need to be a better explanation than what’s come forth so far,. It’s been pretty weak.”
“It’s indefensible the way that some of the money has been spent. “Whether [Steele] should resign really is a question for the RNC, and I’m not a member, so I’m not going to get into that.”

But I’m sure he’d get into it if it was a DNC scandal. That makes him an asshat. But he goes on. As a former Baptists wingnut preacher, Huckabee is devoutly anti-gay. He supports keeping Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell in place:

“I wouldn’t support a repeal if I were commander-in-chief. You don’t see foot soldiers out there demanding it. I’m not sure that’s the most important thing we ought to be doing for the military.”
“[DADT] touches an extraordinarily small group of people. I think we certainly should be very sensitive to the fact that the purpose of the military is not to see if we can create social experiments.”

Lucky for us, Mike, you’ll never be commander-in-chief. And, of course, in that sickly sweet, holier than thou, man of God who loves everybody, Huckleberry, I mean, Huckabee, has an opinion on same sex relationships and civil unions:

“I think there’s been a real level of being disingenuous on the part of the gay and lesbian community with their goal of civil unions.” He refers to LGBT activists who first claimed that their goal in several states was to enact civil unions, but subsequently launched efforts to implement full marriage rights.
“You don’t go ahead and accommodate every behavioral pattern that is against the ideal, That would be like saying, well, there are a lot of people who like to use drugs, so let’s go ahead and accommodate those who want to use drugs. There are some people who believe in incest, so we should accommodate them. There are people who believe in polygamy, so we should accommodate them.”

Ah, the old If-You-Let-Gays-Marry-People-Will Want-To-Marry-Their-Children argument. Way to pull an old chestnut out of your ass, Mike. yes, we know that if marriage equality becomes the law of the land, it’s just a hop-skip-and-a-disco-ball to incest, bestiality, polygamy, and another Kate Gosselin reality show.

Huckabee is also against allowing LGBT people the rights of adoption, because it’s better to fill up orphanages and foster homes with children rather than allow The Gays to raise them:

“I think this is not about trying to create statements for people who want to change the basic fundamental definitions of family. And always we should act in the best interest of the children, not in the seeming interest of the adults. Children are not puppies. This is not a time to see if we can experiment and find out, how does this work?”

Oh Mike, we know children aren’t puppies or pets. They are the Future Of The Gay Community. Once our plan to indoctrinate all the children of the world, by adopting them ,and raising them, and loving them, becomes fully enhanced, we plan to take over the entire planet, paint it pink and lavender, get rid of the ugly people, have sex 24/7 and dance dance dance until we just can’t dance no more.

Mike Huckabee, the ISBL Asshat Of The Weekweekweekweekweek.

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Filed under Asshat, Asshat Of The Week, Mike Huckabee