Category Archives: Gun Control

>Utah. It’s The New Arizona


Utah. Utah. Utah. Does anyone out there have a lick of sense?

Apparently not, because Utah, after it’s run against gay adoptions [Utah Effs Up Again] and the announcement by one of their politicians that he doesn’t want gay people anywhere [LaVar Christensen Is An Asshat], the Land of Mormon is poised to be the first state in America to designate an official state gun.

Yes. A state gun.


The state senate, AKA the Band Of Fools, voted 20-7 to recommend the Browning M1911 pistol as its official state gun. The bill’s chief sponsor, a Republican of course, who is no doubt funded, bought and paid for, by the NRA, one wingnut Carl Wimmer, actually says that he considers the Browning pistol “an instrument of freedom and democracy.”

Gun. An instrument of freedom.

And fellow douchenozzle, and complete and utter moron, Chris Buttars, whose been known to spout some of the more illiterate statements ever put on record, echoed Wimmer’s sentiment: “Weapons or guns especially are so demonized by certain elements of our society that I think this adds a real balance. Weapons in the right hands have probably preserved freedom time and time and time again.”

Problem is, fucktard, that you and your ilk, and your NRA sponsors, aren’t trying to see to it that guns get in the right hands, you want guns in any hand, and every hand. Effin’ goosestepper.

But Wimmer goes further, reminding us that Utah-born John Moses Browning actually designed the pistol, which has been used in every war since WWI: “It is not only of historical value for the state of Utah, but it is of historical value for the United States of America. This firearm has literally saved countless lives, it has defended freedom and liberty across the globe and, as Utahans, we should be proud of that.”

Don’t you love how he says the gun saved thousands of lives, while completely ignoring the thousands of lives probably taken by that gun, and others?

Nice spin.

Speaking of nice spin, the Utah Senate added language to the bill to acknowledge that the Legislature does not condone acts of violence, and guns in the hands of the wrong people are dangerous.

Ooh, that’ll help keep it out of the hands of wingnuts.


Wimmer stands by his bill, probably because he’s being paid handsomely to do so, but admits the timing of the bill was brought into question after the mass shooting in Tucson: “You cannot equate the actions of a homicidal madman with the actions of the military, who have used this firearm to defend freedom and to defend our nation around the world. And that is what we’re honoring.”

And yet the fact remains that a homicidal maniac did, in fact, have easy access to guns and ammo, and, yet, Wimmer still wants to honor guns.

And the NRA.



Filed under Gun Control, NRA

>Sunday Funnies



Filed under Bipartisanship, Congress, Democrat, Education, Gun Control, Michele Bachmann, Republican, Sunday Funnies, Utah

>Access Denied. Make That Allowed.


I was over at Joy’s place, Babble On, this morning, and was shocked to discover that in Tennessee lawmakers introduced a bill to allow people to take guns into bars and restaurants that serve alcohol.

Indeed. Guns’n’booze.

Now, the governor, smart man, vetoed the bill, but lawmakers are trying to override the veto.

And, as I said to Joy, I thought South Carolina was backwards!

Then I find out that, after being confronted with a law suit from the ACLU, a Tennessee school district has unblocked LGBT websites that students were not allowed to visit.

The ACLU, and the ACLU of Tennessee, sued Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools and Knox County Schools back in May, accusing the schools of unconstitutionally blocking students from accessing online information pertaining to LGBT news and issues.

Some of the sites that were blocked from viewing included PFLAG (Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbian and Gays), GLSEN (Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network) and HRC (Human Rights Campaign).

However, students were able to view sites that support reparative therapy or sites that support ex-gay ministries and those that make claims they can “cure” homosexuals.

So, in Tennessee, if you’re gay and a student, you cannot access certain websites that might help you understand, might help you come out, might help you survive adolescence without being bullied or committing suicide, but you can look all you want at sites that attempt to “cure” you.

Open minds.

Of course, officials at the Knox County Schools called the blocking of LGBT sites a “glitch” and reported on Wednesday that it had been corrected.

Glitch. Must be straight talk for Oops, busted!


Filed under BabbleOn, Discrimination, Gun Control, Joy, LGBT, Tennessee


I don’t like guns.
I’ve never held a gun. I’ve never owned a gun, held a gun or shot a gun; and I don’t intend to do so. I do, however, understand hunting, though Id never participate; I’d never shoot to kill my dinner, I’d rather pick it up at Kroger’s. So, while I don’t begrudge hunters for hunting, I do draw the line at hunting for sport; killing an animal for the sake of sport is not sport to me.
Ice dancing is sport. Okay. Maybe not. But killing a defenseless animal just for fun isn’t either.
I like gun control.
Just a look around the US today and I realize just how much I like gun control. Too many innocent lives lost because of guns, and lunatics with guns. Why is that gun deaths are more prevalent here in this country? And why is that we let it continue?
If you want a gun, go ahead, get one. Shoot at cans for fun; shoot a deer or a goose for supper. It’s not my thing, but go ahead. But what’s so wrong about making people wait a few days so there can be background checks? Is it wrong to want to make sure that the person getting the gun doesn’t already own an arsenal? Or that they aren’t a criminal? Or they aren’t just a wee bit crazy?
There are too many guns in this country in the hands of too many people who aren’t all “right” or all “there;” who are angry and don’t know how to control their rage. Who fly off the handle without taking a moment to think about what they’re doing and what might be the consequences.
I don’t like guns.
I never will.


Filed under Bob, Cartoons, Gun Control, Rant